Page 46 - Brandon Sun - Royal manitoba Winter Fair 2019
P. 46

46                                   THE BRANDON SUN • ROYAL MANITOBA WINTER FAIR • MARCH 25-30, 2019

           The Peavy Mart Royal Farm Yard

          Open daily from 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.

            Located in the lower level  tions every day of the fair.
          of the Keystone Centre, the  View our daily schedules for
          Peavy Mart Royal Farm Yard,  timings on this stage.
          with co-sponsor Maple Leaf,   The Royal cattle show
          brings the farm to the city.  is focused on youth and the
          Everyone gets to be a kid in  future of our cattle industry.
          this fun area of the fair of- Young beef producers share
          fering a variety of interactive  and learn what it takes to
          displays with commodity pro- market their product and
          ducers,  ag-education oppor- succeed in the food  produc-
          tunities and a path through  tion industry.  Visit Cattle
          to the horse barns and the  Country and learn about the
          Hunter Jumper competition  life of a beef animal from
          in the Westoba Credit Union  farm gate to plate.
          Ag Centre north arena.        Thanks to Manitoba Beef
            The    Westoba   Petting Producers,   internationally
          Zoo is one of the most pop-  known clinician, Kirk Stier-
          ular destinations in the Roy- walt will offer participants
          al Farm  Yard with goats,  a hands-on opportunity to
          rabbits,  chickens,  and  many  learn techniques and tips
          more live animals every day.  on clipping, hoof trimming,      Luxury condominium-style accommodations for business or pleasure
          The Ag-Tivity zone provides  show day dressing, show-          2200 sq. ft. with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, in-suite laundry
          a wide variety of activities  manship, feeding and gener-
          including the  popular Seed  al care. Get a look into Kirk     Fully furnished, including kitchen housewares
          Spiral,  Montana’s  Colour  Stierwalt’s proven approach        Weekly & monthly stays available (3-night minimum)
          Contest, a giant sandbox and  for all ages during his free
          pedal tractors.            demo session on the TD AC             456 McDiarmid Drive – Brandon, MB
            The TD Ag Action Stage  Action Stage Tuesday, March
          hosts a selection of educa- 26 and Wednesday, March 27
          tional demos and presenta- from 1-2 p.m.
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