Page 44 - Brandon Sun - Royal manitoba Winter Fair 2019
P. 44

44                                   THE BRANDON SUN • ROYAL MANITOBA WINTER FAIR • MARCH 25-30, 2019
             World class equestrian events

            The Royal Manitoba Win- Westoba Place main arena
          ter  Fair  Horse  show  is  the  and 7 a.m. in the Westoba Ag
          pride of the region. As Man- Centre. Barrel racing will be
          itoba’s largest indoor eques- featured Monday and  Tues-
          trian event, horses and riders  day evening only and don’t
          come from all over to compete  miss  the  popular  dog/horse
          for over $150,000 dollars in  relay on  Wednesday evening
          total prize money. Six days of  and daily performances by
          top-level show jumping, kids  the Thriller Trick Riders and
          costume classes, barrel racing,  Arabian Stallion Empress. A
          heavy and hackney horses and  wide variety of equine compe-
          hunter/jumper competitions  tition daily in two show rings,
          from early in the morning un- mixed with family entertain-
          til late at night.         ment is part of what makes
            Daily horse shows start at  the Royal  Manitoba  Winter
          9 a.m. every morning in the  Fair such a unique experience.

                                                                 Shelby Medd of Hamiota, rounds the last barrel during a past Royal Manitoba
                                                                 Winter Fair.  (File)

                                                                                      Get it all
                                                                                   under one roof!

                                                                  Where Food & Fun Go Hand in Hand!

                                                                     Huggy’s Restaurant              Huggy’s
                                                                         & Sports Bar         Neighborhood Sports
                                                                       Wednesday & Friday          Bar & Grill:
                                                                        Pizza & Pasta Buffet   9” 1 topping Pizza & Beverage
                                                                      $12.99 Adults $11.99 Seniors  $11.99 + taxes
                                                                         11:30am – 2:00pm        Burger & Beverage $13.99
                                                                    Friday & Saturday Evening     Please drink & drive
                                                                        Pizza & Pasta Buffet        responsibly.
                                                                       $14.99 • 5:00pm – 8:00pm
                                                                                                 Thunderbird Bowl:
                                                                   **All buffets include a coffee, tea or pop  "No Brainer" bowling, pizza for
                                                                     **Kids buffet pricing also available  $89.95 for max 5 ppl per lane.
                                                                      Sunday Brunch Buffet          Family FUN!
                                                                      Omelet & Waffle Stations   Bowling, two buckets of popcorn
                                                                      $15.99 Adults $14.99 Seniors  for $69.95 for max 5 ppl per lane.
                                                                          9:30am – 1:30pm
                                                                      $12.99 Adults $11.99 Seniors  Taxes extra on all pricing.

                                                                              2140 Currie Blvd. on 18 Street South
                                                               or call (204)727-2695
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