Page 40 - Brandon Sun - Royal manitoba Winter Fair 2019
P. 40

40                                   THE BRANDON SUN • ROYAL MANITOBA WINTER FAIR • MARCH 25-30, 2019

          Queen Elizabeth II speaks with an unknown youth during a visit to Brandon, and the Provincial Exhibition on July 12, 1970.  (Dirk Aberson/The Brandon Sun)
          Putting ‘Royal’ in

          the Winter Fair

            The Royal Manitoba Winter  built to serve the agriculture of
          Fair had its birth in the mind of  the midwestern United States.
          a man who served his commu-   And he was successful. The
          nity and the British crown more  first Manitoba Winter Fair was
          than a century ago.        held in Brandon in 1906 and
            The late Hon. J. D. Mc- almost immediately the Wheat   Round Up the Folks & Head On Over!
          Gregor, lieutenant-governor of  City became even more the
          Manitoba, breeder of purebred  centre of agriculture and agri-  We’d Love to Show
          cattle and horses and untiring  cultural excellence for not only      You Around!
          supporter of Brandon, western  Manitoba but also extended
          Manitoba and Western Canada,  its reputation and eagerness to   CALL TO BOOK YOUR TOUR
          attended  the  Chicago  Interna- serve into the rest of the prairies.
          tional Livestock Exposition in   The international association    204-725-1340
          Chicago in 1900.           of rural youth known as the 4-H
                                                                            • Suites & Villas designed with you in mind
            Inspired by the sight of such  Club movement had its start in   • Light housekeeping and laundry services included
          a large quantity of top quality  the Manitoba Winter Fair, again   • Doctor on premises Monday to Friday, on-site pharmacy & Salon
          livestock, Mr. McGregor re- inspired by Mr. McGregor who             • No buy-in fees or long term leases
          turned  to  Brandon  to  sell  the  urged youngsters to enter calves   • Spacious common areas and recreation facilities
          idea of a winter fair to serve  in what was known as the Boys’   1340 - 10th Street •
          Manitoba and the agricultur- and  Girls’  Calf  Feeding  Com-
          al heart of Canada in the same  petition.                    
          way that the Chicago show was        » Continued on Page 41           WHERE LIFE IS EASY
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