Page 35 - Brandon Sun - Royal manitoba Winter Fair 2019
P. 35

The adrenaline rush is what gets me
                    and there’s always new stuff to learn
                    … It’s almost like you’re in another
                    world. For me, everything else around         Doing what’s good for you and the Earth since 1988!
                    me disappears and in that moment
                    it’s just me and my horse. You don’t            Customer Appreciation Day
                    realize you’re performing for anybody
                    until you come up out of your trick                     Last Saturday of Each Month,
                    and you snap back to reality. … You              Scoop & Save 20% on Bulk Regular Prices
                    feel free, there’s no weight on your                      Don't miss Scoop & Save
                    shoulders, no responsibilities, it’s just           This Saturday, March 30 9:30 to 6
                    in the moment.”

                                                                   ENTER TO WIN
                                          - Shelby Thue, trick rider

          » Continued from Page 34      Her first dive into trick rid-
                                     ing  was to  raise  money  for  a
            She has thought about  family friend who was strug-    ONE OF SIX
          changing Jim Lahey’s name, but  gling to pay medical bills after
          the horse’s name just sticks.   complications with diabetes,
            “You  have  to  have  a  bond  Thue said. She was hooked after
          with your horse and trust them  the first few shows and started
          obviously.  You then  start  with  to branch out into other areas   $                   Gift
          standing on them as they walk,  and new tricks.                25
          then stand on the other stirrup   “The adrenaline rush is what
          as they walk and just gradually  gets me and there’s always new                 Certificates
          work up in baby steps with you  stuff to learn.”
          climbing all over them at any
          speed.”                              » Continued on Page 36
                                                                             One Drawn Each Day March 25 to 30 th

                                                                   Ask for our new

                                                                   REWARDS Card                          BARN
                                                                   & Save $80                           SPONSOR!

                                                                   over your next 10 visits.

                                                                   Customer Appreciation Night

                                                                              Every Thursday Evening,
                                                                     Scoop & Save 10% on Bulk Regular Prices
                                                                                   From 6 to 8 pm

                                                                                            565 – 34 Street, Brandon
                                                                                       204-728-2855 • Toll-Free 1-866-745-4621
                                                                                    Mon. to Sat. 9:30 to 6, Thurs. 9:30 to 8, Closed Sun.

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