Page 34 - Brandon Sun - Royal manitoba Winter Fair 2019
P. 34

34                                   THE BRANDON SUN • ROYAL MANITOBA WINTER FAIR • MARCH 25-30, 2019

           Trick rider teaching                                                                Trick rider Shelby Thue. (Submitted)

          the next generation

                                                                    BBQ Accessories

          BY DREW MAY                error in her backyard from the
                                     time she was nine.                    Solar Lights
            While most people would     “When I was little my dad
          never consider jumping off a  had brought home a promo vid-             Spring Fashion
          moving horse or hanging off the  eo of trick riders. … My mom
          side of one using only their feet,  said that’s all I would watch
          for Shelby Thue it’s just another  for weeks and ever since then                   Starts Here!
          day at the office.         I’ve always tried to hang upside
            Thue is a trick rider and said  down.”
          she can do  “all sorts of crazy   The learning process wasn’t
          stuff” on the back of a horse.  easy and hanging off a moving
          She’s set to perform at the Royal  horse takes a lot of strength. She
          Manitoba Winter Fair in Bran- said she fell off “a good handful
          don.                       of times” while nailing down the
            “We will be standing up  tricks.
          while our horses run, standing   The two horses  she rides,
          on one foot, hanging upside  Smoky  and Mr. Jim  Lahey
          down and a little bit of vaulting,  (named after the character on
          so we’ll jump off our horse, hit  the television show Trailer Park
          the ground and jump back up.”   Boys), who also needed to learn   GIANT TIGER
                                                                  CANADA’S BEST-KEPT SECRET.
            Thue  has  been  trick  riding  trick riding at the beginning,   FOR YOU. FOR LESS.
          for the last 13 years and com- but the two caught on quickly.   2626 Victoria Ave, Brandon  •  300 - Mountain Ave, Neepawa
          peting  for  seven.  She  said  she
          learned mostly through trial and     » Continued on Page 35  MONDAY TO SATURDAY: 8AM TO 10PM     SUNDAY: 9AM TO 6PM
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