Page 36 - Brandon Sun - Royal manitoba Winter Fair 2019
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36                                   THE BRANDON SUN • ROYAL MANITOBA WINTER FAIR • MARCH 25-30, 2019

          » Continued from Page 35      The hard work paid off and
                                     Thue was the 2017 Canadian
            Hanging upside down off a  Trick Riding Open champion
          horse feels like flying, she said,  and reserve champion another
          and there is nothing else like it.  three times.
            “It’s almost like you’re in   While she still plans to com-
          another world. For me, every- pete in trick riding competitions
          thing else around me disappears  and perform in shows, she said
          and in that moment it’s just me  she wants to start teaching les-
          and my horse. You don’t realize  sons  and  pass  on  some  of  the                           Corner of 1st
          you’re performing for anybody  knowledge she’s learned in her                                 and Patricia
          until you come up out of your  career to the next generation of                               (right beside
          trick and you snap back to reali- trick riders.                            NEW                golden acres
          ty,” she said.                She wants to travel to teach                 LOCATION!           boarding
            “You feel free, there’s no  lessons, something she herself                                   kennels).
          weight on your shoulders, no  didn’t have many opportuni-                                    You can find us
          responsibilities, it’s just in the  ties to benefit from.   There is
          moment.”                   a large trick riding community                                     on the main
            Thue is almost entirely self- in Alberta, but the community                                  concourse.
          taught. In total, she said she got  is smaller in Saskatchewan —
          a lesson once every two or three  where Thue grew up — and in
          years, which made it difficult to  Manitoba. As a result, it was
          improve her tricks. It is harder  harder and more expensive to                    Save this ad and get
          to pick out areas for improve- get real lessons.
          ment during a competition or   “That’s part of why I think                        10% off
          while performing.          I‘m going to start doing clin-                       any cake orders over $30.
            “When I started doing per- ics and help those families so
          formances it was definitely a  they aren’t put the same sit and               (COUPON MUST BE PRESENT AT TIME OF PICKUP)
          really big reality check and it  struggle to learn and grow as I                     EXPIRES JUNE 30, 2019
          made me drive harder and push  was.”
          harder to be a better trick rid-
          er,” She said. “I wanted to be at  »  (204) 727-2656 or 724-3128     |
          the top.”                  » Twitter: @DrewMay_
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