Page 30 - Brandon Sun - Royal manitoba Winter Fair 2019
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30                                   THE BRANDON SUN • ROYAL MANITOBA WINTER FAIR • MARCH 25-30, 2019

          » Continued from Page 29      “It always makes me laugh
                                     because it’s always the naughty
            “It’s very inspiring,” Sand- dogs that the kids remember,”
          ford said.                 Sandford chuckled. “It’s never
            Every dog has its day during  the dog that was super-fast or                           matters most
          the show, as each individual  jumped super high.”
          canine is showcased in its own   The pat and chat offers au-
          special light.             dience members the chance
            Not one to give away what  to talk about their dogs at the
          tricks to expect from the  meet and greet, and audience
          WoofJocks, Sandford said,  members will often share what
          each dog brings its own special  their furry friends have in
          skill set.                 common with the show dogs.
            All members play a critical   At the event, guests remem-
          role  on the team, helping  to   ber all the names of the dogs
          innovate the show, bringing an   and their favourite moments
          act to town that the audience   from the show, Sandford said
          has never seen.            — an indication of the impact
                                     the dogs have had on the au-
            “We’ve created a one-of-a-  dience.
          kind entertainment experience   “I mean, who doesn’t love   $
          the  guests will remember,”   dogs?” Sandford exclaimed.    70               MAIL-IN
          Sandford said.                                                               REBATE

            However, the show doesn’t   »                         passenger or light truck tires
          end when the curtain falls.   » Twitter: @The_ChelseaKemp  with the purchase of 4 new MICHELIN
          Guests can visit a pat and chat                          FROM MARCH 20 TO MAY 15, 2019

          with their favourite furry all-                 
          stars near Salon A.                                      * Visit for details.  © 2019 MNA(C)I. All rights reserved. The “Michelin Man” is a registered
                                                                    trademark licensed by Michelin North America, Inc. (C16990-B - 02/19)
            At the meet and greet after
          the show, the dogs and their                                                  1 Mile West of Husky  490 Hwy 5 N,
          handlers will be on hand for                                                  on #1 Hwy, Brandon  Neepawa

          photos and chats.                                                             1-888-727-3323  204-476-5566
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