Page 28 - Brandon Sun - Royal manitoba Winter Fair 2019
P. 28

28                                   THE BRANDON SUN • ROYAL MANITOBA WINTER FAIR • MARCH 25-30, 2019
             WoofJocks ready for debut


            Barking,  bounding  and
          bringing their best tricks, the
          WoofJocks  Canine  All  Stars
          will be showcasing good dogs
          centre stage at the Royal Man-
          itoba Winter Fair for the first
          time this year.
            Based out of Ontario, the
          group was established in 2004
          to showcase the feats dogs and
          their owners can conquer with
          a little training and a lot of love.
            The show is centred around
          the power of pups to bring peo-
          ple together.
            Living in a big city,
          WoofJocks production man-
          ager and host Karen Sandford
          has  seen first-hand how dogs
          can help complete strangers
          connect. She cited how when
          riding public transit by herself
          everyone avoids eye contact,
          each lost in their own world.
            But if her dog joins her on a  love that, the recognition of a
          trip, all of sudden people come  silly dog acting up.”
          over, smile and want to talk and   A high-paced set will amuse
          pet the dog.               Winter Fair guests, but the en-  NATURAL LIVE EDGE LUMBER
            “It’s amazing what these  tertainment is paired with ed-
          creatures can do,” Sandford  ucation.                   FOR MANTELS, SHELVES, COUNTERS,
          said.                         “People don’t even realize     DESKS, TABLE TOPS & MORE!
            The WoofJocks help capture  they’ve learned a takeaway tip
          this phenomenon in an enter- they can take home,” Sandford
          taining show for audiences of  said.                    Add the beauty, luxury and
          any age.                      Teaching different ways of   subtle sophistication with
            A fun variety show for the  handling  dogs  with  training   a natural work of art to
          entire family, the show fea- tips, guests will walk away with   your home or office!
          tures dogs doing what they do  a deeper understanding of their
          best: having fun with their best  furry friends, based on a shared   Each unique piece is available in 2” to 5”
          friends — their owners.    message  of  inclusiveness  and   thicknesses and random widths and lengths.  Live Edge Maple
            Bringing  25  canines  to  humane treatment of animals
          showcase at the Winter Fair, 10  based on training dogs using                              COME SEE
          of which are from Manitoba,  positive reinforcement.                                       OUR WIDE
          crowds at WoofJocks shows can   “All of the dogs in the show
          expect to see dogs of all shapes,  are first and foremost fami-                           SELECTION!
          sizes and breeds performing  ly  dogs,  and  they’ve  all  been
          feats of marvel and humour.  trained using positive rein-                                 IN STOCK
            Every part of the act is cho- forcement.” Sandford said.                                   NOW!
          reographed — including the    Positive reinforcement uses
          comedy  aspects  —  creating  a  kinder and gentler training   204-728-4243 • 1840 – 18 St. N. •
          show that is entertaining and  methods when working with
          fun for the entire family.  the  canines, and  the audience
            “Everybody,  they stop  and  can see first-hand the unique
          stare  and  then  their  mouths  bond and love this builds be-
          open … they start pointing and  tween dogs and their handlers.
          laughing,” Sandford said. “I just    » Continued on Page 30
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