Page 42 - Brandon Sun - Royal manitoba Winter Fair 2019
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Katie Falconer of Hartney shows her steer Mo along with other youth during the Prospect Steer class in the Kinsmen Arena at the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair.
(Tim Smith/Brandon Sun)
Cattle farmers Welcome Everyone to the
keen on the fair Royal Manitoba Winter Fair
Coming to the Royal Man- It’s a good learning opportu-
itoba Winter Fair in Brandon nity for her, he said, and it also
to show cattle is a tradition for gives her a chance to socialize
Cameron Nykoliation and his with the other exhibitors.
family. “They kind of get to learn
The Douglas-based cattle by doing,” he said. “They’re in
farmer has been attending the charge of their animals, and
annual event since 1993. they get to do all of it them-
It’s where he met his wife, selves. And, they get to meet
Kaitlin, and where they’ll bring other kids and make friends that
their two kids, five-year-old they might now see otherwise
Madison and two-year-old because they come from all over
Rylee. Manitoba and Saskatchewan.”
It will be Rylee’s first time Rylee has had experience
showing at the fair, Nykoliation showing her heifer Emma at
said, and the two-year-old has summer fairs, he said, and now Insurance
been looking forward to it for she’ll be able to show her at the Travel
months. winter fair at the end of March. Roadside
“She’s very excited to take “She’s excited to take her to Rewards
her heifer Emma,” Nykoliation winter fair just like her big sis-
said. “She’s been talking about ter,” he said.
Emma since this time last year 204.571.4111 | 305 18th St. N., Brandon
she picked her out as a baby » The Brandon Sun