Page 48 - Brandon Sun - Royal manitoba Winter Fair 2019
P. 48

48                                   THE BRANDON SUN • ROYAL MANITOBA WINTER FAIR • MARCH 25-30, 2019

                                                                                                         Laura Horner of
                                                                                                         Minnedosa stands
                                                                                                         with her steer
                                                                                                         while waiting to
                                                                                                         compete in the
                                                                                                         heat of the Jr.
                                                                                                         Prospect Steer
                                                                                                         Show in the
                                                                                                         Kinsmen Arena
                                                                                                         during the Royal
                                                                                                         Manitoba Winter
                                                                                                         Fair.  (File)

           Steer sale gives back to youths

            Focused on youth beef  scientists and clinicians, re-
          producers, the Royal Mani- search centres, cancer chari-
          toba Winter Fair cattle show  ties and hospital foundations
          will add a component to this  across the country have come
          year’s steer sale that will help  together with donors to cre-
          children and adolescents sur- ate new hope for young peo-
          vive their                 ple who need it the most.
            very rare cancers.          “Investment in PROFYLE
            Cattle show chair Dallas  optimizes our donors’ gener-
          Johnston knows too well how  ous support,” CancerCare
          a cancer diagnosis can affect  Manitoba Foundation CEO
          a family.                  Annitta Stenning said. “This
            “Cancer has affected our  national  collaboration  is  in-
          family personally and this is  credibly important to Can-
          our way to give back a bit,”  cerCare Manitoba’s ability        SERVING SOUTHWESTERN MANITOBA
            Johnston  said. “Hopefully  to treat these young patients.            FOR OVER 30 YEARS
          this program will give kids a  We cannot do this alone in
          fighting chance to beat can- Manitoba and that’s why this   Custom Steel, Stainless Steel
          cer.”                      initiative is so exciting and       & Aluminum Fabrication
            After   discussion  with provides tremendous hope.”
          CancerCare       Manitoba     Donations to this project      NOW SPECIALIZING IN SQUARE & ROUND TUBING
          Foundation, Dallas chose  will be collected at RMWF              2” and down • Bundled or Single Quantities
          the  Terry Fox (PROFYLE  March 25-30 at Profyle’s stall
          PRecision Oncology For  located in the Royal Farm             • Stock Stainless Steel • Aluminum & Steel
          Young  peopLE)  initiative  as  Yard. Potential buyers are in-  • Angle, Plate, Square & Round Tubing
          the beneficiary of the funds  vited to attend the RMWF          • Flat Bar  • Expanded Metal & Sheets
          raised. A steer named Profyle  Steer sale at 7 PM on Fri-
          will be sold at the annual  day, March 29 at the  TD             204-726-8081 ■ FAX 204-729-8382
          RMWF steer sale being held  AG Action stage. Phone bids        1110 McGREGOR AVENUE, BRANDON, MB
          on Friday, March 29 at 7 p.m. will also be accepted during         WWW.MORNINGSTARMETAL.CA
            The Terry Fox PROFYLE  the sale, by calling 204-724-
          project is pan-Canadian. Top  5367.
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