Page 50 - Brandon Sun - Royal manitoba Winter Fair 2019
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50                                   THE BRANDON SUN • ROYAL MANITOBA WINTER FAIR • MARCH 25-30, 2019

                Sunrise Breakfast

            Since as long as anyone can  Union and Heritage Co-op will
          remember, the Royal Manitoba  be on hand to serve your breakfast
          Winter Fair has kicked open the  and top you up with fresh coffee
          doors with a community break- and juice.
          fast.                         Enjoy a sample of our fair en-
            Join us again this year on  tertainment before the fair open
          Monday, March 25 from 6:30-9  with the Hunter Jumper show at
          a.m. in the MNP Hall, for eggs,  the Westoba AG Centre at 8 a.m.
          hash browns, sausage and bacon  and the jumper show starting at 9
          and a biscuit for only $5.   a.m. at Westoba Place main arena.
            Bring a tin of non-perishable  The Peavy Mart Royal Farm Yard
          food to donate to the Samaritan  open at 9 a.m. on Monday only
          House.                     along with the Food & Lifestyle
            The  friendly  staff  from  Sun- show. Get a stamp when you ar-
          rise Credit Union,  Westman  rive at the breakfast and stay the
          Communications Group, Star  day at the fair for free to enjoy ev-
          FM, QCountry, Westoba Credit  erything it has to offer.

                                                                  Visit us at the corner of 1st Street & Victoria Avenue
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