Page 54 - Brandon Sun - Royal manitoba Winter Fair 2019
P. 54

54                                   THE BRANDON SUN • ROYAL MANITOBA WINTER FAIR • MARCH 25-30, 2019
             Fair food icing on the cake

            Although the Royal Manito-
          ba Winter Fair features many of
          the less-than healthy foods one
          would expect for such an event,
          they also offer healthier alterna-
          tives each year.
            Lemonade and various cul-
          tural dishes filled out the Key-
          stone Centre during last year’s
          event, and there’s always the fa-
          cility’s staple: their popcorn.
            Lucy Neufeld, who was in
          charge of the centre’s popcorn
          booth at a time during last year’s
          event, said that people seem to
          really respond to their blend of
          salt and butter.
            Although  she  declined  to
          share what their secret is, she said
          that there’s a “secret salt ingredi-
          ent” that sets them apart from
            And, for those keen on special
          fair treats, the less-than healthy
          foods are certainly available, too.  Lemon Heaven employee Jenna Fisch squeezes fresh lemons at their stand. (File)

          Beaver Tails owner Eugenia Willey holds out a Skor Beaver Tail. (File)

                                                                     Visit our booth at the UCT Pavilion

                                                                     Talk to us about  First Aid Training
                                                                                            First Aid Kits
                                                                                            AED - Defibrillators

                                                                                                  Brandon Training Centre
                                                                                              Second Floor Business Centre
                                                                                                   Brandon Shoppers Mall
                                                                                            Phone:  727-4466  Fax:  727-1623
          Keystone Centre employee Lucy Neufeld scoops up popcorn. (File)
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