Page 56 - Brandon Sun - Royal manitoba Winter Fair 2019
P. 56

56                                   THE BRANDON SUN • ROYAL MANITOBA WINTER FAIR • MARCH 25-30, 2019

          A jumper competes during the 2018 Royal Manitoba Winter Fair at the Keystone Centre. (File)
          » Continued from page 55     Mixed: Show jumping is one   Prize money:  The perfor- competitors  at  the  end  of the
                                     of the very few sports in which  mances in a show jumping  class.  The most common is
            Course-designer:  The de- male and  female competitors  competition are rewarded by  the  “Table A” where jumping
          signer must consider the level  (both horses and riders) com- money. The first 30 per cent of  faults or the first refusal gen-
          of the competitors and of the  pete in the same classes.  the placed riders receive prize  erate four penalty points. Time
          class, the table, and its relevant                     money and the winner alone  faults may be added to the final
          rules. The goal is to adjust the   Obstacles  (fences  or receives 30 per cent of the total  result: one point for every four
          level of difficulty to favour the   jumps):  There are two ma- prize money of a class.   seconds over the allowed time.
          best riders while allowing all  jor types of obstacles: wide                      In  “Table C” classes, jumping
          competitors to complete the  (spread-jumps) and vertical.   Stride: One of the main dif- faults are converted into sec-
          course safely.             The latter is a fence compris- ficulties of show jumping lies in  onds added to the time taken
                                     ing at least two poles arranged  the way the riders will manage  to complete the course.
            Elimination: After a second  vertically. On the other hand, a  the strides of their horses be-
          stop (refusal) or a fall of the  spread is wide as well as high. It  tween the fences. One canter-  Walking the course:  Once
          horse and/or the rider, the pair  may be wider than it is high and  ing stride of a horse covers ap- the course has been built by the
          is eliminated.             be lower at the front (rising)  proximately 3.50 meters.  The  course-designer and his team,
                                     or the same height (parallel).  rider can shorten or lengthen  the riders are allowed to “walk
            Jump-off:  It’s  the “tie- A spread with two elements is  the strides in order to adjust  the course” with their coaches
          break”: the jump-off takes  called an over. A rising spread  their number between two  in order to memorize the de-
          place at the end of some Table  with three or more elements is  fences so that the horse can  sign the route, to calculate the
          A classes to decide between the  called a triple-bar. A normal  jump the obstacle in good con- number of strides between the
          competitors placed equally after  course comprises between 11  ditions, taking off neither too  obstacles positioned close to-
          the main round. The jump-off  and 14 obstacles. A combina- close nor too far.     gether and to locate the short-
          course is shorter and different  tion of jumps is considered as                   cut and other way to save time
          to that of the first round and is  one obstacle.         Table:  Different scoring  in case of a speed-class or in
          against the clock.                                     systems are used to place the  view of a prospective jump-off.
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