Page 58 - Brandon Sun - Royal manitoba Winter Fair 2019
P. 58

58                                   THE BRANDON SUN • ROYAL MANITOBA WINTER FAIR • MARCH 25-30, 2019

          » Continued from page 57   ity traits, and measurements.  that will be participating in the  guaranteed to make watch-
                                     The winning carcass is donated  Saturday night Grand Prix are  ing the Grand Prix just a little
            The winning ten contes- to the Manitoba Institute of  “sold” by auction to the public  more exciting!
          tants of the Monday evening  Culinary Arts at Assiniboine  in attendance in the Star FM   50/50  Ticket Sales license
          calf scramble is sponsored by P.  Community College where stu- viewing  lounge. The  purchas- number LGA-666 RF
          Quintaine and  Tuesday night  dents can practice their skills on  er(s) of the winning combi-   A bit of fun and a chance to
          by Chemtrade. Participants  Grand Champion Pork.       nation share a predetermined  win big! 50/50 will be available
          will receive $200 and the con-  Prize money is split between  percentage of the proceeds of  Thursday, Friday and Saturday
          solation contestants will receive  the winning exhibitors and the  the sale. Get a group together,  nights.  There  have  been  some
          $100. Winners  from Wednes- charity of their choice.   The  pool your money and try your  sizeable pots won at our previ-
          day’s Behlen & Redfern Pig  presentation of awards and their  luck  on  picking  out  a  winner,   ous fairs.
          Scamble and  Thursday’s Red- charities takes place at the Pork
          fern Farm Services pig scram- Quality Awards Luncheon on
          bles will take home a piggy  Wednesday, March 27 in the
          bank full of cash.         MNP Convention Hall.  Doors                                           Competitors in
                                     open at 11 a.m. with lunch at                                         the Miss Piggy
            Pork Quality Competition  noon. Tickets for the luncheon                                       Scramble work
          and Luncheon               include fair gate admission and                                       to corral their
            Pork production is a very im- can be purchased at the Pro-                                     prize in the
          portant component of Manito- vincial  Exhibition  Show  office
          ba’s economy. The annual Pork                                    main arena
          Quality competition celebrates                                                                   during a past
          excellence in local pork produc-  Grand Prix Calcutta LGA-                                       Royal Manitoba
          tion.  Competing carcasses are  666-CA                                                           Winter Fair.
          graded and judged on the per-  On Friday night of the fair,                                      (File)
          fect combination of meat, qual- the horse/rider combinations

                                                                    EXTRA EXPERTS, SERVICES

                                                                            &  DEPARTMENTS

                                                                                                 Self Serve Hot Food Bar

                                                                                  Sushi Bar                 Salad Bar

          Shane Brown leads a roping demonstration at the Royal Farmyard AG Action   1570 18 Street    | Shoppers Mall    | 204-725-1134
          Stage during the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair at the Keystone Centre. (File)
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