Page 60 - Brandon Sun - Royal manitoba Winter Fair 2019
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60                                   THE BRANDON SUN • ROYAL MANITOBA WINTER FAIR • MARCH 25-30, 2019

          Ron Kristjansson, general manager for the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba, stands outside the Dome Building. Although they won’t host any events inside the
          historic building this year, he said it’s a possibility for next. (Melissa Verge/The Brandon Sun)
          Winter Fair carries $11M economic impact

          BY MELISSA VERGE           those types of things, musical  economic impact. That’s mon- and get down to the States,” he
                                     entertainment, we’ve got an  ey coming in from outside the  said.  “The people are looking
            The Royal Manitoba  Win- old-time fiddlers contest on the  community, Kristjansson said,  to stay at home and spend their
          ter Fair has become a popular  Wednesday.              with more than half of fair at- Canadian dollars where they
          entertainment destination for   “There’s just something for  tendees coming from at least 80  get their full dollar’s worth.”
          thousands of Manitobans every  everybody in the family.”  kilometres away.          Behind the scenes, work
          year.                         The  Winter Fair is held   “It’s becoming I think even  never stops. Organizers are busy
            Provincial Exhibition of  annually inside  the  Keystone  more and more a province-wide  pretty much year-round work-
          Manitoba general manager Ron  Centre.                  show for us,” Kristjansson said.  ing to put on the Winter Fair
          Kristjansson credits the success   Each March, the  Winter   Many visitors have travelled  and plan for future ones.
          to the wide variety of events  Fair consistently draws a crowd  to the fair from the Winnipeg,   “We’re looking for entertain-
          that they offer.           of approximately 100,000 peo- Steinbach or  Winkler areas in  ers or for judges and exhibitors,
            “I think one of the big things  ple, Kristjansson said, having a  previous years, a number Krist- those type of things,” Kristjans-
          that  draws  people  is  the  vari- huge economic impact on the  jansson expects will continue to  son said.  “If somebody’s not
          ety,” Kristjansson said.  “We’ve  community of Brandon.  increase with less people travel- able to come or doesn’t fit the
          got cattle shows, we’ve got   Five years ago, they had an  ing outside the country.  schedule for one reason or an-
          horses, we’ve got world-calibre  independent  economic  study   “The exchange rate to the  other, they’ll be on a list to be
          jumping  horses,  barrel  racing,  done that showed the fair had  U.S. has got extremely poor  coming next year.”
          clowns, jugglers, magicians,  approximately $11 million in  from people wanting to go away   » Continued on Page 61
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