Page 27 - Brandon Sun - Your Home your Way (2019)
P. 27

THURSDAY, MAY 9, 2019 • YOUR HOME YOUR WAY • THE BRANDON SUN                                          27

      ‘Brew’ up your                                                                                    “Brewing”
                                                                                                        your own
                                                                                                        potting mix
                                                                                                        is very sat-
      own potting mix                                                                                   isfying and
                                                                                                        useful, and
                                                                                                        requires just
                                                                                                        a few basic
         My gardening season begins   Rather than pasteurizing the                                      ingredients.
      on my garage floor. Here I mix  soil, I prefer to avoid pests with
      potting soil that will nourish this  careful watering, abundant light,                            (The Associated
      season’s seedlings and replace  and other cultural conditions that                                Press)
      worn-out soil around the roots of  make plants happy and pests sad.
         Why make potting soil?  SOIL IS GOOD, BUT
         Why bake bread?         NOT ESSENTIAL
         There’s really no special magic
      in good potting soil.         Good garden soil is hard to
                                 obtain in reliable and large quan-
      BASIC INGREDIENTS          tities, so most commercial potting
                                 mixes are made without any real
         The three basic ingredients   soil at all. These mixes are made
      in my mix are garden soil, min-  only from mineral aggregate and
      eral aggregate and organic mat-  organic matter.
      ter. Used alone, garden soil is too   You can make such a soil-less   derneath the pile and turn it over,  and recite a few incantations to
      dense for containers.      mix yourself by sieving together   working around the edge until  complete this brew that nourish-
         The mineral aggregate loos-  equal volumes of peat moss and   the whole mass is thoroughly  es my seedlings and houseplants
      ens up the mix to let water flow   perlite. This mix has no nutrients,   mixed, and moistening it slightly  each season.
      readily into and through it. Ver-  so stir in a starter feed of one-  if it seems dry. Finally, I rub the
      miculite and perlite are two light-  half cup of dolomitic limestone   mix through a half-inch sieve,  » The Associated Press
      weight aggregates, the first made   and some fertilizer whose nutri-
      from heated mica and the second   ent ratio is about 5-10-5. Real   HOT WATER TANK REPLACEMENT
      from heated volcanic rock. Sand   soil does add nutrients and other
      and calcined clay (“kitty litter”)   good things to a potting mix, so      STARTING AT    $       68   *
      are heavier aggregates, so are use-  I favour traditional potting mixes,                           per
      ful for top-heavy plants such as   which contain real garden soil.                         16month
      cacti.                        Even if you buy potting soil,                                  Subject to terms
                                                                                                    & conditions
         Organic matter in potting   keep a few bags of some type of
      soils acts like a sponge to absorb   mineral aggregate and organic                         No cost repairs.
      water, which plants can then draw   material on hand. No one potting                           No cost
      on between waterings. Organic   mix can suit the needs of every                              replacement.
      matter also buffers soils against   plant. Add extra aggregate to any
      drastic changes in acidity, and   mix used for cacti or succulents,                          EVERYONE IS
      keeps nutrients from washing out   and extra organic matter to any                           APPROVED!
      through the bottom of seedling   mix for plants such as African vi-
      flats and flower pots. Peat moss,   olets and begonias that like con-  AIR CONDITIONING
      sphagnum moss and coir (a by-  sistently moist soils.
      product of coconut processing)                             STARTING AT   $          99    *  INSTALLED
      are organic materials that you can   STIR THE BREW                          47       per month  Subject to terms
                                                                                                   & conditions
      buy. Compost and leafmold are
      two organic materials that you   For the ritual opening of the    Manitoba Hydro Financing Available
      can brew up yourself and, in con-  garden season, I give my garage
      trast to the previously mentioned   floor a clean sweep and then
      materials, also offer nutrients to   make a pile of 2 gallons each of
      plants.                    garden soil, peat moss, perlite and
         Some people pasteurize their   compost. On top of this mound I
      potting soil to reduce the threat   sprinkle a cup of lime and a half
      of pests. The key is to avoid too   cup each of soybean meal and
      much heat, which can bring its   powdered kelp. This is a mixed
      own problems. Bake the potting   bag of ingredients, but I reason
      soil in the oven along with an em-  that plants, just like humans, ben-  CALL: 204-728-0180 |  24-HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE
      bedded potato, and when the po-  efit from a varied diet.
      tato is done, so is the potting soil.  I slide my garden shovel un-  SERVING BRANDON SINCE 1910
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