Page 22 - Brandon Sun - Your Home your Way (2019)
P. 22

22                                     THE BRANDON SUN • YOUR HOME YOUR WAY • THURSDAY, MAY 9, 2019

      Prairie crocus begin to bloom in a pasture on the north side of the Assiniboine River Valley north of Alexander, attracting bees on a sunny afternoon. The prairie
      crocus, Manitoba’s official flower, is  one of the first wildflowers to bloom in the prairies.  (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun)

      Wildflowers: robust, low-maintenance, pollinator-friendly

         Gardeners trying to lure   “Ragweed, for example, is   Shop at a specialty nursery   “The first step in starting
      pollinators to their landscape  a native plant but is consid- if you want to grow wildflow- a wildflower area is choos-
      would be wise to mimic na- ered undesirable because it  ers, Yiesla said.        ing an appropriate site and
      ture and plant wildflowers.  gives us hay fever,” said Sha-  “Wildflowers should be  matching plant species to
      The attractive perennials  ron  Yiesla, a horticulturist  purchased rather than dug  environmental factors such
      tolerate harsh climates, sel- with The Morton Arboretum  from the wild,” she said.  as climate, rainfall, pH and
      dom need fertilizing and re- in Lisle, Ill.           “This is often regulated by  soil type,” said Leonard Per-
      sist most diseases and insect   On the other hand, she  law and even if it is not, a tre- ry,  horticulture  professor
      pests.                     said,  “There are plants that  mendous amount of damage   emeritus with University of
         Wildflowers are durable,  people think of as wildflow- can be done to wild popula- Vermont Extension, in a fact
      too, requiring little or no irri- ers but they are not native.”  tions through digging.”  sheet.
      gation once established.   Queen Anne’s lace, for in-    Wildflower       varieties  “Whenever possible, try to
         “They bloom early and es- stance, came from Europe   generally are divided into  select native species as they
      tablish nicely to make a very  and has been around so long  three major groups: mead- often perform better than
      natural colony,” said Barry  that it has naturalized here.  ow, woodland and wetland.  non-natives,” he said. “Native
      Glick, owner of Sunshine      “Some people call it a  Plants taken from nature  species generally are more
      Farm and Gardens in Renick,  wildflower; some call it a  generally don’t survive being  attractive to pollinators and
      West Virginia.             weed,” she said. “Know some- transplanted because growing  beneficial insects, too.”
         But beware: Some native  thing about each plant before  conditions can differ so great-
      plants are invasive.       you choose it.”            ly in residential backyards.       » Continued on Page 23
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