Page 30 - Brandon Sun - Your Home your Way (2019)
P. 30
Hard to deny the grandeur of a proper pergola
What’s the main difference two inner posts along the outer
between a four-post pergola length of the pergola.
and an eight-post pergola? The early stage of the struc-
Well, beyond the obvious, ture was carefully lifted into a
the answer has everything to vertical position, held upright
do with the length of the main with temporary bracing.
tandem supports. The two outer posts along
The plan was to build a large the length of the entire span
pergola, to cover the entire were then set into position and
wing of the 30-foot-long deck, fastened to the partial main
14 feet deep and nine feet high. beam.
This cottage-country pergo- The other side of the main
la requires a structurally sound beam, constructed in the same
design that, once completed, manner, was then lifted into
serves a primarily aesthetic position and secured to the
purpose. other side of all four posts.
Hidden within the main With the first main tandem
tandem support beams and support beam in place, the sec-
between the inner posts, ad- ond beam was built using the
ditional boards make this lon- same step-by-step process.
ger-than-usual pergola possi- An eight-post pergola set atop a 30-foot-long deck creates an inviting outdoor The upper edge of the tan-
ble. dem spans of both main sup-
Generally, a straightforward living space. (Winnipeg Free Press) port beams were pre-notched
pergola consists of four six-by- side is achievable. Prior to tack- splice board. for the placement of the upper
six posts and two sets of tandem ling the pergola, the deck was Once the three boards were veins.
two-by-eight main support completely revamped. all fastened together, this sec-
beams, on which two-by-eight The old top-decking was tion was then affixed to the » Continued on Page 31
cross-veins are mounted. removed, revealing structurally
Cross-veins are typically set sound supports and joists.
on 12-inch centres, and the Extra support was built
ends of both the upper veins into the existing framework in
and lower support beams can- all eight locations where per- At Guild HMS we have the right
tilever past the outer perimeter gola posts would rest atop the product at the right price to ensure
of the post locations, often con- top-decking surface.
toured in a decorative manner. New two-by-six we have you properly covered.
The posts are set atop a brown-treated lumber was then
rigid surface and during the affixed along the entire surface
process of the build, each post areas of the deck and stairs.
is levelled and held temporar- Two-by-eight fascia was in-
ily into position with angled stalled along the outer perim-
bracing until a few of the up- eter of the visible sides of the
per veins have been fastened to deck, and one-by-six vertical
the main support beams, pro- boards were affixed below the
viding enough rigidity for the fascia to enclose the lower por-
structure to stand on its own tion between the decking struc-
allowing the installation of all ture and the ground.
remaining veins. To commence the eight-post
The design of this eight- pergola build, all eight loca-
post pergola places the posts in tions of the posts were first pre-
such a way as to not block any marked along the top-decking.
of the windows along the side One side of the outer tan-
of the cottage. dem beam was pre-built on the
Because the windows are ground by first cutting each
consistently spaced along the board to 15 feet.
face of the exterior wall adja- A third board was then BRANDON • 2830 Victoria Ave & Shoppers Mall
cent the wing of the deck on cut to the length of the gap Wawanesa • Virden • Carberry • Shilo
which the pergola will rest, a between the two inner posts 204-729-4949 •
symmetrical placement of posts and secured midway along
from front to back and side to the 30 feet of the beam as a