Page 28 - Brandon Sun - Your Home your Way (2019)
P. 28
Optimize your home office
Create a task-driven environment with proper lighting and colours
These days, millions of
people have the luxury of
working from home. It’s
convenient and comfortable
— and the commute is un-
beatable. But telecommuting
comes with its own host of
challenges. If you’re dealing
with distractions and a lack
of space, it can be difficult
to strike a balance between
productivity and the creature
comforts of home. Consider
these tips as you design your
home office to make sure
you get the most out of your
Your home office doesn’t
have to be in an opulent li-
brary, a hub of technology or
even a room of its own. The
most important thing is that
its location stays consistent.
Set aside a dedicated area in
your home and use it exclu-
sively for work. This could Studies show that painting your office blue improves productivity and increases focus. (Sherwin-Williams)
be a small desk in the living
room, a table in your bed- barn doors. Once they’re greys and greens are all beau- difference in your work-
room or a zoned-off section installed, you can slide the tiful choices for a home with from-home space. For ex-
of the kitchen counter. Find doors over the screens and relaxation in mind. But those ample, red-tinted lights are
a spot that works for you and remove the temptation to original, calming colours good for sleep and rest, but
completely give it over to watch. Another good strat- might not be the best choice if you have them in a home
its role as a workspace. And egy is soundproofing — es- for a workspace. Studies show office, they can hinder pro-
be sure to avoid working in pecially in offices that take that painting your office blue ductivity. Instead, opt for
high-traffic areas like your up entire rooms. Curtains, improves productivity and blue-tinted bulbs to improve
kitchen table or living room window inserts and acoustic increases focus. And orange alertness throughout the day.
couch. Otherwise, you’ll find panels are all quick, easy ways and yellow are great office Or, go for natural light.
yourself constantly moving to cut down on outside noise accent colours, since they’re Move your desk next to a
your laptop, papers and sup- so you can focus on the tasks known to invigorate the sens- window and open up the
plies to make room for guests. at hand. If you need more ex- es, inspire creativity and help shades to increase your
tensive soundproofing, con- with innovation. If you don’t wakefulness, and consider a
CUT DOWN ON sider talking to a professional. have the space (or desire) to skylight where more light is
DISTRACTIONS paint an entire room, con- needed. As far as arrange-
Regardless of where you RECONSIDER COLOUR sider buying blue and orange ment, many experts recom-
situate your office, it’s im- When you last painted picture frames or tchotchkes mend having one large over-
portant to cut down on sur- your home, you may have for your desk. head light and one smaller
rounding distractions where chosen colours that would “task light” to help you fo-
possible. One strategy is to help you unwind at the end THINK ABOUT LIGHT cus.
cover visible TVs with trendy of a long day. Whites, beiges, Lighting can make a huge » TNS