Page 31 - 2018 Your Home Your Way
P. 31
Gayle Plessner watches
her dogs play in their
Shannon Ggem-designed
mud room with water-re-
sistant flooring.
FABRIC STRATEGIES and cleaning with animals in a
Fabrics that can withstand life small space,” Bechen says.
with pets used to be rough and
often unappealing to touch, Yip SEPARATE SPACE
says. Now, you can find stain-re- It’s a luxury to have a room
sistant and antimicrobial fibers devoted to pets, or to have a
in a range of styles and soft tex- large mudroom to create a sort
tures. Burnham suggests looking of pet bedroom. But Yip says
for textiles made with a finish that’s becoming more common.
called Nanotex, which makes When guests who aren’t com-
the fibers stain-resistant and fortable with animals come to
waterproof. visit, a dedicated room gives pets
If you have cats, it’s also help- “a space that’s theirs, that they
ful to choose fabrics that are can retreat to that doesn’t feel
smooth. “We sort of embrace like punishment,” Yip says. Even
leathers and flatter weaves so if the space does double-duty as
that the cat can’t get their claws an office or laundry room, you
into it,” Burnham says. can create a secure area for a pet
Leather is also a good choice by keeping their stuff all in one
because it’s durable, and it can place.
look even more attractive with a Get creative by adding some- Our mission is to be the most
bit of time and wear. thing to entertain your pet knowledgeable, skilled, ethical, and
Bechen suggests avoiding very (Yip’s dogs have an aquarium to helpful real estate professionals
light-colored fabrics if dark pet look at), and create a sleeping available.
hair will frustrate you (or very space they’ll love.
dark fabrics if your pets have “Cats love to climb,” says
light hair). Print patterns are less Bechen, so cat owners can add a
likely to show pet hair than shelf around the perimeter of a
solids are, she says. And it helps laundry room or mudroom and
to keep an attractive throw blan- put their cat’s bed up there. It 204-724-5690
ket on your pet’s favourite furni- creates a perfect perch for the Unit 101 – 244 10 St. Brandon, MB R7A 4E8
ture, and then remove it when pet to feel safe while surveying
guests come over. the room.
“You’ll notice a lot more hair » The Associated Press