Page 34 - 2018 Your Home Your Way
P. 34
We gardeners are waiting im- Albert Parsons
patiently for winter to finally
give up its grip on the garden so
that we can begin to create our
2018 outdoor gardens. Al-
though the actual physical
process of gardening is our main
source of satisfaction, coming in
a close second is all the planning
and designing that comes first.
We have to decide what to
plant and where to plant it. We GONE
have to decide on whether to in-
troduce some new elements to GARDENIN’
the garden and we play around Albert Parsons lives, writes, and
with colour schemes and differ- gardens in Minnedosa.
ent plant combinations in antic- »
ipation of the time when we can
actually get outside and plant.
Perhaps this year in the plan-
ning of your garden you will
consider doing something a lit-
tle bit different by creating a
theme garden. Whether the
project is simply the creation of
one garden room or encom-
passes the entire landscape,
choosing a theme around which
you build your theme garden
will be a rewarding challenge.
Creating a theme garden will
give you a chance to explore
your creative side, allow you to
use design techniques that you
have never tried, and perhaps
grow some plants that you have
not before included in your gar-
What is a theme garden? Using old agricultural artifacts will add
Simply put, a theme garden is a to an agricultural-based theme garden.
design concept around which
the garden (or garden room) is pieces of old farm implements. you be limited to using smaller garden.
constructed. Every aspect of the You might simply create a annuals and perennials if the Golden leafed hostas and
garden is tied into a single garden room that has a dis- space is a small one, such as a bright yellow creeping Jenny are
theme to create a unified effect. tinctly formal look, a lush trop- narrow side yard? How much two plants that have great yellow
You can decide on whatever ical atmosphere with a space will be available for acces- foliage. Keeping foliage colour
theme you like. You might Mediterranean appearance. sories and how will they be in- as well as bloom colour in mind
choose a colour and make that There are many possibilities; corporated into the garden? allows you to create even more
your theme; choose purple you just have to let your imagi- A colour theme is one of the interest in your garden.
and/or burgundy flowers and fo- nation loose. easiest themes. A vibrantly Creating a more sophisticated
liage to create a dark moody gar- When you have decided on bright yellow “sunshine” garden colour theme garden with a bit
den or you might construct a where you are going to under- can easily be produced using more atmosphere might involve
sunshine garden of yellows and take your project and whether it plants with yellow flowers. For using dark purple hues. Bur-
oranges. is to include the whole garden or the best impact, use varying gundy leafed ninebark, Othello
Consider the accessories you just one area of the landscape, hues and tones of the colour to ligularia with its large leaves
have on hand or have recently you will have to decide what add interest and variety. Perhaps having deep burgundy under-
acquired. These accessories plants would be suitable for that bright yellow Inca and Lulu tones, and appropriate varieties
might suggest a theme. Perhaps particular location. Will it be a marigolds can be combined with of heuchera might be compan-
you will create a garden with an shade garden or one in full sun? pale yellow day lilies and some ions for purple flowering plants
agricultural theme, including Will there be space for larger taller Lorraine Sunshine heliop- like salvias, monkshood, cam-
agricultural artifacts and equip- plants such as shrubs and large sis – using variegated foliage will panulas (including Blue Clips)
ment like old wagon wheels or herbaceous perennials or will add to the overall effect in any and sages.