Page 30 - 2018 Your Home Your Way
P. 30

30                                                       THE BRANDON SUN  • YOUR HOME YOUR WAY • 2018

     This undated photo provided by Vern Yip shows Yip at his home in Atlanta with his family and dogs. Families with pets have several options for durable, attractive flooring
     that will stand up to even the most rambunctious pets, including wood flooring with finishes that resist scratching from claws and waterproof ceramic tile designed to look
     like stone flooring. (Associated Press)

       It’s gotten easier to have a  Here, Yip and two other inte-  in my island in my kitchen.’”  “It used to be, a few decades
     house full of pets without sacri-  rior-design experts — Betsy  Often, the planning starts  ago, that if you put down a ce-
     ficing the home decor you want.  Burnham, founder of Los An-  with the biggest elements: walls  ramic tile floor, it just looked
       Interior designer Vern Yip, a  geles’ Burnham Design, and  and floors.           like ceramic,” Yip says.
     judge on HGTV’s “Design Star”  small-space expert Kathryn  Paints have become much   This tile is good for animals
     and a dog person, says new tech-  Bechen — offer some tips:  more pet-friendly (and kid-  because it “looks like stone, but
     nology has led to a variety of                          friendly) in recent years: “There  unlike stone it doesn’t absorb
     stylish and pet-friendly home-  PET PLANNING            are a lot of paint companies now  urine or other things if your dog
     furnishing options.           Many pet owners today “are  that have flat paints that are  has an accident.”
       “The furniture and home-  designing a space around their  wipe-able,” a feature previously  And don’t forget the little
     decor industry has really   animals,” Burnham says. “Most  offered only with glossy paints,  things: If your pets are very ac-
     rounded the corner and come to  of the time, I hear, ‘Oh, we’ve  Burnham says.     tive, minimize the number of
     realize that this is a way of life  got dogs and a couple of cats  Flooring options have also ex-  items on tabletops and put more
     for a lot of people,”  Yip says.  and three kids, so please be  panded: Wood flooring compa-  fragile things on higher shelves,
     Durable, easy-to-clean paints,  mindful that we can’t have any-  nies have developed finishes that  especially in small rooms,
     antimicrobial  stain-resistant  thing too precious.’ Then there  resist scratching, Yip says. Ce-  Bechen says.
     rugs and more mean that a   are these really specific requests,  ramic tile designed to look like  Add a lidded basket or storage
     beautiful home and a furry pet  like, ‘I’d like a built-in dog bed  stone flooring is another practi-  ottoman to stash pet toys when
     are no longer incompatible.                             cal option.                guests come over.
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