Page 28 - 2018 Your Home Your Way
P. 28

28                                                       THE BRANDON SUN  • YOUR HOME YOUR WAY • 2018

     A selection of throw pillows. Fresh, energetic hues like coral and red are part of a vibrant palette along with bold pattern.

       It’s a well-known decorating  LOVE ‘EM OR HATE ‘EM                               excess air.
     fact that throw pillows are an  Bill Herren designs pillows as DROP ZONE             She also recommends that
     easy and inexpensive way to  part of his job as creative direc-  If you don’t want throw pil-  “active households” (those with
     change the look of a room.   tor for  Woodard, an outdoor  lows to end up on the floor, pro-  pets, children or messy hus-
       They can add colour, texture,  furniture manufacturer in Cop-  vide a “drop space” for them, says  bands) consider using pillows
     interest or a dash of holiday  pell, Texas. “I get such grief from  Suzanne Lasky, an interior de-  made with durable, outdoor fab-
     cheer.                      everybody about my throw pil-  signer and owner of S Interior  rics.
       But that doesn’t mean every-  lows because I love my throw  Design in Scottsdale, Arizona.
     body appreciates them.      pillows,” he says. “I know why  A bench at the foot of the bed, TRYING OUT TRENDS
       The internet is full of women  men hate them: They don’t want  a basket near the couch or a side  Smith, who designs luxury
     (and their interior designers)  to put them back.”      chair would all do, she said.  outdoor pillows in weatherproof
     complaining that husbands don’t  The anti-throw-pillow crowd  “You need that so you don’t  fabrics, estimates that about a
     understand the decorative as-  also might not know what to do  get annoyed that your $100 silk  third of them end up indoors.
     pects of throw pillows. Pillow  with the pillows once they re-  pillow is on the floor,” she says.  For some people, pillows are a
     aversion among men is a real  move them from a piece of fur-  And if you’re going to indulge  way to indulge in trends without
     thing, says pillow designer  niture, says Herren, who   in different looks for summer  really making over a room, she
     Elaine Smith.               introduces a new pillow shape  and winter, or holiday-inspired  said. She often incorporates the
       “It’s become a joke, but it’s  each year for the company’s col-  pillows embellished with rein-  latest  from the fashion runway.
     only a joke because it’s true.  lection. His solution: “Just throw  deer or flags, Lasky suggests in-  Past collections have included
     They don’t understand why we  them on the floor — especially  vesting in space saver bags —  a “gladiator pillow” and a “hula
     need to have eight pillows on  those made with outdoor fab-  storage bags that let you com-  pillow” based on clothing Smith
     the bed,” she says.
                                 rics. They’re so easy to clean.”  press items by vacuuming out  spotted on the catwalk.
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