Page 24 - 2018 Your Home Your Way
P. 24

24                                                       THE BRANDON SUN  • YOUR HOME YOUR WAY • 2018

     A bedroom in a New York City apartment being used as a woman cave, with a scarf hung on the wall, futon with throw pillows, a reading lamp, works of art and keepsakes
     from loved ones and other decorative touches. The room is kept as a chore-free tranquil space for relaxing, reading, crafts and other quiet pursuits.(Associated Press)

       When people find out that   It is a bedroom in my apart-  the years, we’ve had a lot of  given me: a bowl, art, scarves
     I’m an empty nester with a  ment once occupied by children  (mostly joyful) commotion in  (one draped on the sofa, one on
     “woman cave” in my New York  and other people who no longer  this relatively small three-bed-  the wall). A coffee table with a
     City apartment, they seem to  live under my roof. At least at  room apartment — including a  TV and old laptop that my son
     have a lot of questions. So I re-  the moment, they don’t.  few periods when we had five  set up for me so I could watch a
     cently created this FAQ about it  2) Why do you need a woman  people living there, sharing one  movie or show, but so far I
     for Facebook friends, which led  cave?                  bathroom — so it’s just nice to  haven’t. Bunches of lavender and
     to a whole other round of com-  Because the TV is often blar-  have a tranquil spot to relax  mint that I picked from my win-
     ments and questions.        ing sports in the living room  now.                    dowbox after the first frost,
       If you’re curious about woman  (my husband lives in the apart-  4) What is not allowed in the  hanging upside down to dry.
     caves or maybe you’re dreaming  ment, too) and the kitchen’s not  woman cave?        6) Do you socialize in the
     of creating your own, here’s my  comfy and my bedroom is for  Food. Strife. Clutter. Noisy  woman cave?
     FAQ and the comments and re-  sleeping.                 things. No beverages other than  No. It’s a solitary place.
     sponses it generated.         3)  What do you do in the  decaf tea.                Though I might consider letting
                                 woman cave?                   5)  What is in the woman  my friends from high school
     WOMAN CAVE FAQ                I sit on the futon and enjoy  cave?                  visit.
                                 the calm. I do projects like or-  A futon with nice pillows. A  7) Is there anything missing
       1)  Where and what is this
     woman cave?                 ganizing recipes. I write lists.  really good reading lamp. Beau-  from the woman cave?
                                 Occasionally I nap or read. Over  tiful things that loved ones have  No. It’s perfect.
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