Page 20 - 2018 Your Home Your Way
P. 20

20                                                       THE BRANDON SUN  • YOUR HOME YOUR WAY • 2018

     This boy's room is decorated with space-themed three-dimensional wall decor items.
                     REDESIGN BEFORE SCHOOL’S OUT

       The last weeks of school can  SIMPLE CHOICES          a great way to add personality.  where kids  “might be putting
     be the perfect time to reboot a  In choosing a colour palette,  “We used to do baby colours,  their hands, and where they
     child’s bedroom.            keep it as simple as possible, says  but I think the important thing  might sit,” he says. Even if your
       Ideally, the room should be  Beldock. She suggests limiting  is to do strong, handsome  child is neat, “his friend might
     easy to keep organized and great  the number of colours to create  colours they can live with and  wipe Cheetos all over every-
     for concentrating on homework.  a stylish space that feels orderly.  grow into,” Beldock says.  thing and not think about it.”
     It also needs to be decorated in  Use white paint on walls, she                      Patterns, too, can help hide
     way that’s cheerfully kid-  says, and then bring in just one DURABLE FABRICS       wear and tear. Davin recom-
     friendly and but not too age-  bold accent colour, like red, navy  For those who worry about  mends using a patterned carpet
     specific, so you won’t have to  or magenta, perhaps through a  using a lot of white in a child’s  that’s “forgiving with stains” to
     redecorate too soon.        patterned rug and colorful bed-  room, where it could easily get  add colour and style to a child’s
       We’ve asked three interior de-  ding.                 dirty, Howard notes that out-  room. “By the time they grow
     signers — Brett Beldock of New  Another trendy but timeless  door fabrics and rugs have be-  out of it, it might be time to
     York-based Brett Design Inc.,  option: Use charcoal paint on  come just as pleasant to the  change the carpet anyway,” she
     Florida interior designer An-  the walls with crisp white trim,  touch as indoor items, and  says.
     drew Howard, and Catherine  then add a white-and-charcoal  they’re far more durable. So  She adds that organic cottons
     Davin of Pittsburgh-based   patterned rug, and bring in  light colours can be much more  and other fabrics made without
     Davin Interiors — for some or-  bolder colours through books  easily cleaned than they would  harsh dyes can be durable, and
     ganizing and decorating strate-  and keepsakes displayed on  have been a decade ago.  are becoming more popular with
     gies for children’s rooms.                                                         health-conscious parents.
                                 shelves. Colorful lamps are also  Use outdoor fabrics in places
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