Page 6 - Your Home Your Way
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6                            THE BRANDON SUN • YOUR HOME YOUR WAY • THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 2021

            » Continued from Page 5   have sold since Jan. 1, 2021.   “We’ve had a lot of prop-  Economic spinoffs from
                                      For the same  period  last  erties  selling  on the  first  a booming housing market
               “We have 270 realtor  year, only 72 sold.        day, but there are no exact  can’t be ignored either.
            members in our board,” she   Pearson said the national  numbers.”               Lawyers’ fees, movers,
            said.  “We are about as far  market is showing upwards   “Our entire board is see- house inspections and so
            east as Portage la Prairie, as  of a 48 per cent increase in  ing a busier spring market  on are placed in the melting
            far north as Thompson, as  home sale prices.        than last year,” she said.  pot.
            far south as the U.S. border   “We’re  not  experienc-  Generally, the entire   That helps stimulate the
            and right to the Saskatche- ing anything like that,” she  province  is  experiencing  economy as well, Pearson
            wan border.”              pointed out.              rapid growth in the housing  noted.
               As in the rest of Canada,   Year-to-date, the aver- market.                  At a 2021 Market In-
            real  estate  in  the  Brandon  age price for a single family   Virtual tours of hous- sights event held in Febru-
            area has exploded.        home is up by 12 per cent.  es due to the pandemic do  ary, the Winnipeg Regional
               “Residential sales for  Condo sales are up too.  not appear to have slowed  Real Estate Board (WR-
            Brandon are up 54 per cent   “This year, it’s jumped  things  down either. Real- REB) president Kourosh
            over 2020,” she explained.  significantly.”         tors  are  changing  the  way  Doustshenas pointed out
            Condominium sales are       The average length of  they do business.         how important the real es-
            up by 58 per cent over the  time a house is on the mar-  “They’re   adapting. tate  industry  sector  as a
            same time period.         ket today is 31 days, said   They’re doing virtual tours  whole is in its contribution
               “COVID didn’t really  Pearson. In 2020, the aver- and getting as good a show- to the economy. With every
            affect us until the end of  age length of time a house  ing as you can from across  sale, there is a $53,000 eco-
            March 2020. It was a bit of  was on the market was 52  the country,” Pearson said.  nomic spinoff.
            a slow start.”            days. Pearson said houses   Sellers  are  rejoicing   February Statistics from
               However, by the end of  that have been on the mar-  while buyers are bowing  the Manitoba Real Estate
            March this year, 158 resi- ket for 300 days have just  down to the market.   Association for the residen-
            dential single-family homes  recently sold.           “There’s a low inventory  tial housing market for the
                                                                and high demand.”        province showed new list-
                                                                  At a 1.6 per cent  lend- ings had increased by 0.06
                                                                ing rate, interest rates are  per cent compared to the
                                                                the lowest they’ve ever  same period last year.  The
                                                                been. People who normally  number of properties sold
                                                                wouldn’t be able to afford a  increased by 48.2 per cent,
                                                                down  payment  for  a house  but the biggest increase
                                                                are in the unique position  was felt in the total dollar
                                                                of having extra cash from  volume at $411.6 million, a
                                                                working at home, spending  69.7 per cent increase com-
                                                                less on incidentals and kids’  pared to the same time last
                                                                activities.              year.
                                                                  The list goes on and on.   Pearson thinks even after
                                                                No longer is it as big a deal  the pandemic, people aren’t
                                                                to live in an urban cen- going to return to the urban
                                                                tre.  Workdays involve the  areas they once frequented.
                                                                kitchen table and Zoom      “People are going  to
                                                                meetings.                continue  to  work  from
                                                                  “People are spending  home.  They’re seeing that
                                                                more  time  hanging  out  at  as one of the bigger driving
                     At Guild HMS we have the right             home, realizing what their  factors in larger areas which
                                                                needs are,” Pearson said.  always influences the whole
                   product at the right price to ensure         Based on the hot housing  market.”
                     we have you properly covered.              market, it appears people   Potentially, they will give
                                                                are looking at their options  up the small condo down-
                                                                and moving into bigger or  town to move to the sub-
                                                                smaller homes, away from  urbs and live for less, stay
                                      2830 Victoria Ave & Shoppers Mall  the hustle and bustle of a  home and work.
                                         Brandon • 204-729-4949  large city.                Or, like the Jacksons,
                                 “We really had a ‘steady  they’ll move to Brandon to
                                          WAWANESA • VIRDEN     as she goes’ market for the  be closer to their kids.
                                           CARBERRY • SHILO     last five years until this
                                                                year.”                   »
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