Page 5 - Your Home Your Way
P. 5
» Continued from Page 4 March 16, they were sitting country in a pandemic, they Today, the Jacksons are
in their new 1,550-square- hired a moving compa- a stone’s throw from their
Their home in Brant- foot house in Brandon. ny that packed and hauled daughter, her partner and
ford was 1,175 square feet, Their daughter played a their furniture for them. grand-doggies.
a back split with three bed- pivotal role in securing the “That cost $11,000,” Jim It’s a move that has made
rooms and two bathrooms. house in Brandon for her said. the retired crane operator
The home they purchased parents, too. Their car was shipped and former nurse embrace
in Brandon has four bed- She lives in Shilo, where separately at a cost of the slower pace of life Bran-
rooms, three full bathrooms, she and her partner are in $1,600. Then, there was the don offers.
a double garage, a devel- the military. She was in- hotel stay and flight. Ultimately, they’re closer
oped basement and yard. strumental in securing a The house they bought to their only child, and that
The offer, which was ac- house for her parents, sight in Brandon will take about makes them both pretty
cepted, was just over half of unseen. $30,000 in renovations they happy.
what they sold their home “She videoed the house estimate, once they pull The Jacksons’ experience
for in Brantford. for us. She walked through the carpet from two bed- with selling a home in a hot
Jim explained the bid- it with the real estate agent rooms and replace it with housing market in a short
ding war he left in Brant- and we bought the house hardwood flooring, change turnaround time and pur-
ford, which saw 10 bids in sight unseen,” Kathy ex- the cupboards in the kitch- chasing another home just
four days. The new owner plained. en and upgrade one of the as quickly is pretty typical
made his bid unconditional, There’s a lot of trust bathrooms. of what’s occurring in Can-
which meant there were no between the Jacksons and The couple will do the ada and the Brandon area,
requests to change the orig- their daughter. renos themselves as much as according to Jen Pearson,
inal bid. In fact, the new “She’s the kind of kid they can, but realize there’s executive officer for Bran-
owner pushed to move into who would call us every a lumber shortage in the don Area Realtors.
the Jacksons’ home as soon night even though she country brought on by the The organization covers
as possible. didn’t have to.” pandemic and are willing to a large area.
On Jan. 28, they accepted Rather than pack them- wait until supplies are more
the offer on their home. By selves and drive across the readily available. » Continued on Page 6
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