Page 22 - Westman Business 2019
P. 22
» Princess Dental
Changing people’s lives one smile at a time
Princess Dental’s goal is to provide an “We treat everybody like family,” said One unique offering at Princess Dental they waited so long to give it a try.
exceptional quality of service and always Jerilyn Miscavish, Princess Dental’s of- is intravenous sedation for restorative den- Princess Dental is changing lives for pa-
face life with a smile. fice manager and treatment co-ordinator. tal treatment. tients who have avoided the dentist due to
Everything they do goes toward show- “That’s one of the things that makes us Sedation dentistry helps ease the stress fears and anxiety one smile at a time.
ing that the business’s utmost priority is special.” associated with treatment. Princess Dental gives back to the com-
their patients. Part of the way they maintain the high- “We see a lot of fears every day,” Miscav- munity by being the official dentist for the
Owners Dr. Geoff and Adele McIntosh est level of care is by offering world-class ish said. “Some people are afraid of sounds, Brandon Wheat Kings.
took over the business in 2013 and have ex- training to their employees. some people are afraid of injections, some That’s right, when a Wheat Kings game
panded the business from having a single Sending them to industry leading con- people can’t walk through the door.” is on at Westoba Place, the team at Princess
dentist with two hygienists to having four ferences and courses across North America Instead of avoiding dental work because Dental is on call in case of a dental emer-
full-time dentists with a staff of 18. has allowed everyone to stay up to date with of anxiety, patients can use this alternative gency.
Rounding out the dentistry team are Dr. the latest developments in oral health. solution to make sure that they receive the Players wear mouthguards for a reason,
Jessica Carswell, Dr. Jill Gudmandson and Many of these trips are done as a team level of oral health they desire. but when something goes wrong, one of
Dr. Dustin Wurm. to ensure everyone at Princess Dental have Where some practices offer sedation Princess Dental’s dentists is there to help.
Their treatments range from simple fill- a unified approach to patient care. via inhalation or oral medication, Princess Whether it’s a member of the Wheat
ings to complete smile makeovers, with the Technology has also changed drastically Dental offers IV sedation in addition to Kings, someone needing a filling or some-
team at Princess Dental working closely over the past decade in dentistry. those methods. one getting sedation dentistry, everyone is
with each patient to plan their comprehen- Princess Dental has striven to stay cur- They say that the IV sedation is a con- treated like family at Princess Dental.
sive dental care. rent with 3D imaging (CT machine) to scious sedation where the patient can re- To become a patient or inquire about
By regularly scheduling checkups, both allow safe placement of dental implants, in- spond to questions from the dentist, but services, please visit their location at 1202
patients and staff at Princess Dental can traoral scanners to eliminate messy impres- typically don’t even remember their dental Princess Ave. in person or give them a call
be proactive, preventing or mitigating oral sion materials, as well as intraoral cameras visit. at 204-717-0249. Patients outside of Bran-
health issues before they become a major to allow our patients to see exactly what According to Miscavish, many people don can call toll free at 1-866-563-1627 or
problem. they are seeing in their mouths. who try sedation dentistry wonder why visit the website at