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20                                                                                      THE BRANDON SUN • WESTMAN BUSINESS • OCTOBER 2019

            » The Skin and Vein Centre

            Clinic has new

            name, operates

            in same vein

              There’s plenty of change afoot at Dr.  ticular veins,” Dr. Barb said. “All we’ve been
            Barb Kelleher’s clinic.             able to offer for a number of years is mul-
              First of all, the name is changing to The  tiple injections for all those veins and we
            Skin and Vein Centre.               get good results. But that involves needles
              “The old name  was too long!” she ex- and not everyone tolerates so many needles.
            plained.                            The cooled 1064 Nd:YAG can treat red or
              Second, she has bought some new equip- blue spider veins up to three millimetres in
            ment.                               diameter, superficial to deep. Ten years ago,
              Third, the advanced treatments she’ll be  we couldn’t do blue veins with laser and the
            able to offer take less time, are usually less  treatments hurt like heck. With the cooled
            painful and less invasive.          head, it’s relatively comfortable.
              And the good doctor is extremely excited   “I’m really thrilled about that because I
            about all of it.                    think a lot of people shy away from treating
              “It complements what  we already do,  small veins because they’re needle phobic.”
            but does even more,” Dr. Barb said of the   Dr. Barb is positively jazzed about her
            new additions to her practice.  “The new  new acquisitions. You can tell by the smile
            machine is called the Alma Harmony XL  on her face and the enthusiasm in her voice
            Pro, a multi-platform device, and it is won- as she discusses the benefits of the addition-
            derful! The DYE:VL head combines pulsed  al services she’s now able to offer her clients.
            dye laser with Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)  But that’s what’s NOT new. The doctor has
            and will replace my old IPL, which was  been enthused about providing the best and
            very effective, but slow and uncomfortable.  most advanced care to her patients since she
            DYE:VL will allow us to treat more vascu- opened her practice several years ago.
            lar and pigmented lesions. For example, I   She’s  passionate  about  making  people
            could never treat port wine stains or large  feel better about themselves. She believes if
            hemangiomas and now I can.”         we look good, we feel good. Or if we think
              And her Harmony DYE-VL can  help  we look better after a procedure, we feel
            those who are troubled by red clusters of  better about ourselves, which is the whole
            veins that have previously been difficult to  point. And all that positive energy goes a   Dr. Barb Kellher showcases her clinic’s Pixel Co2 femilyft machine. (Chelsea Kemp/The Brandon Sun)
            treat.                              long way.
              “Not everybody has just spider veins,”   “Then there’s skin tightening with the   But as usual, the doctor is frank and  remove raised lesions, especially on the
            she said. “Sometimes they have redness —  ClearLift head for fine lines and wrinkles,”  honest about what people should and  face such as a mole you dislike but don’t
            these red clusters — we call it matting. And  Dr. Barb enthused. “And that’s pretty im- shouldn’t expect.    want to cut it out because of the scar.
            you can’t really get a needle into them and  pressive.  You can hardly feel it because it   “It’s super impressive,” she said. “But  The  CO2  laser  vaporizes  it  and  leaves
            IPL is quite painful. Now we can use the  creates microscopic holes under the skin by- all the colours don’t respond equally as  a little black mark, and then when that
            DYE-VL and, in a few treatments that are  passing the outer layer. We do the treatment  well. The red, dark blue and black tat- falls off after a few days, you just have
            really quick, get it done. Practically pain- and the patient thinks it won’t work because  toos respond really well. The tough ones  new pink skin underneath with minimal
            free with a cooled head and Alma’s propri- it  doesn’t  hurt.  Come  over  at  lunchtime  are the greens, yellows and the vibrant  if any scarring.
            etary IN-Motion technology, there is no  and rejuvenate your neck. I’m really excited  blues.”                  “I also offer Alma Femilift vaginal
            need for topical freezing and treatments are  about it. It also will work on stretch marks   And  while  cosmetic  procedures  are  laser treatments, which take care of vag-
            faster, and comfortable.”           and scars and it is safe for all skin types.”   frequently the focus, Dr. Barb’s other la- inal dryness, urinary stress incontinence,
              While many patients have seen Dr. Barb   Dr. Barb is also delighted about some- sers can address additional issues as well. vaginal laxity, and discomfort with inter-
            over the years for sclerotherapy, which is in- thing that’s new to her practice — tattoo   “The Alma Soprano Ice Platinum  course. It’s a virtually painless treatment
            jecting a solution into spider veins on the  removal with the Q-switched Nd:YAG  is the most advanced laser hair remov- that helps with all those problems.”
            surface of the legs to make the veins disap- treatment head.             al system and is safe for all skin types,”   So lots of new options and improved
            pear, her new 1064 Nd:YAG laser head will   “We’re fairly excited about that,” she said.  she said.  “The Alma Pixel CO2 laser  techniques are available at  The Skin
            treat those visible veins and others without  “Because the longer you leave it (between  does skin resurfacing for rough, irregu- and  Vein Centre. Call 204-727-1920
            using needles, and works for all skin colours.  treatments), the better the results. You do a  lar, wrinkled, pigmented, or scarred skin  to book a consultation or appointment,
              “The Nd:YAG does the small superficial  treatment and you wait three months before  on the face, so you can get a whole new  email or check
            spider veins as well as the deeper bluish re- you do the next.”          top layer of skin. It can also be used to  out the website —
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