Page 18 - Westman Business 2019
P. 18

18                                                                                      THE BRANDON SUN • WESTMAN BUSINESS • OCTOBER 2019

            » myITsource

            Offering your

            best choice

            for business

            IT support

              If you’re running a business that only re- America or even Europe if I wanted to,”
            acts to computer problems after they hap- Arndt said, adding that there is no business
            pen, you need to look into myITsource.  in Brandon that myITsource could not han-
              Founded in 1998, the Brandon-based  dle IT support for.
            company can help you with your IT prob-  Is it raining? Is it snowing? Are the roads
            lems, but they also aim to solve problems  terrible? That won’t stop myITsource from
            before they happen with their world-class  remotely solving your tech problems.
            service.                               “What it does is it minimizes down-
              By signing up for their full managed ser- time and doesn’t knock anybody out of
            vices, you can make sure that your compa- their chairs anymore,” Arndt said.  When
            ny’s technology needs are taken care of by  a technician is working on a problem, your
            western Manitoba’s largest IT support com- employee will likely still be able to do some
            pany.                               work on their computer.
              They can handle any IT needs for small   In the unlikely event that a problem
            and medium-sized businesses anywhere  needs to be solved in person, myITsource
            in western Manitoba. They cover an area as  can either dispatch a truck or contact a more
            far north as Dauphin and as far south as the  local technician and arm them with the in-
            U.S. border. They even have some customers  formation they need to solve your problem.
            in eastern Saskatchewan.               The company has been contracted to do
              Founder and owner Frank Arndt likens  repair and installation work for companies  myITsource offers complete managed IT service for small and medium businesses of any kind. (Robert Lovatt/
            myITsource’s full managed services to an  like Dell and BellMTS, so you know that  Keywest Photo image by design inc.)
            all-inclusive resort.               they know their stuff.
              “Once you pay your fee, that includes   Arndt also takes pride in being more ef- give businesses advice on what kind of hard- services, if your computers get hit with ran-
            your Office 365 subscription ... that also  ficient and useful to businesses than many  ware works best for them. Because of their  somware they can quickly restore from a re-
            includes an antivirus program and that in- in-house IT specialists. If a business’s single  21 years of experience, they know what kind  cent backup so you can keep your data and
            cludes our service desk remotely monitoring  IT person takes a two-week holiday, no one  of computers work best for all sorts of dif- minimize the amount of time your employ-
            your entire IT environment,” Arndt said.   is there to repair problems.   ferent situations.                 ees are prevented from working.
              “We see what’s going on a lot of times   If a member of the myITsource goes on   A recent problem for some companies   That is the difference between being
            before you even know what’s wrong with  vacation, there are still many other qualified  has been ransomware — malware that takes  reactive and proactive. By being reactive to
            your computer or your network,” he added.  technicians available to solve problems.  over your computer and keeps you from ac- IT problems, you can have your data taken
            “In a lot of cases, we can just remotely access   Another advantage of the remote service  cessing your files unless you pay a ransom.  from you forever with no solution.
            any of your computers or your network and  is that myITsource technicians can access   If your computer has been hit by ran-  By being proactive, myITsource sets up a
            repair what’s wrong.”               your network from anywhere, not just at the  somware, Arndt said that the only option  safety net so that any potential problems are
              That’s right, for most problems you don’t  home office in downtown Brandon.  is really to pay the ransom and hope the  only minor inconveniences.
            have to wait for a truck to be dispatched.   Their proactive approach to IT is com- hacker frees your data. Sometimes you get   To start being proactive and to sign up
            Most problems can be solved remotely by  bined with regular monthly reports on your  lucky and they honour the deal, sometimes  your business for complete managed IT ser-
            the 14-person myITsource business team.  network so you know everything that’s go- nothing happens at all and your data is gone  vices, contact myITsource at 204-728-1040
              “If I can solve problems remotely, then I  ing on.                     forever.                            or toll-free at 1-866-928-1040. You can also
            can have customers all over Canada, North   Additionally, myITsource is available to   However, with myITsource’s managed  email them at
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