Page 8 - The Brandon Sun - Lake Life 2019
P. 8
Cabins, cottages popular on Airbnb
By Melissa Verge for many years, she said, but re- ly equipped kitchen. Outside, They rented it out previ-
cently acquired another proper- there’s a barbecue and a fire pit. ously through word of mouth,
Westman adventure seekers ty and wanted to keep this one It’s walking distance away but Airbnb has worked better,
looking for a weekend escape in the family. from the park, and provides a he said, as there’s a sense of ac-
this summer have more choice By renting it out on Airbnb, quiet cosy getaway, Jacks said. countability.
than ever where to stay. they’re able to do that. “It’s overlooking a big valley. “You can leave ratings and
More Airbnb listings are “It was a real family place, It’s very secluded and peaceful.” comments, so it kind of keeps
popping up around the Riding we raised our children in that There is quite a bit of work both parties on the up and up,”
Mountain National Park area, cottage,” Jacks said. “We hope that goes into renting it out, in- he said. “You can actually pre-
as cabin and cottage owners of- that it’s going to be something cluding making sure it’s homey view the person who’s renting,
fer up their retreats in exchange that families will love and will and details around the bookings decide whether or not you’re
for cash. respect and enjoy.” that you have to pay attention going to rent to them and we
Winnipeggers Evelyn Jacks They’ve had bookings for to, Jacks said. have a little bit of contact with
and her husband Allan put eight different families so far But it’s all worth it to share the people, tell them about the
their cottage up on the popular in the two months they’ve had the beauty of Riding Mountain place and what the rules are.”
website about two months ago. it listed. People are coming for with others. So far, they’ve had approxi-
“(This cottage) gave us so various amounts of time, from “We spent so many lovely mately 20 people come out to
much pleasure that we wanted shorter stays to longer ones de- years together at the lake ... we rent their two-bedroom cab-
to share that with other people pending on what they’re using wanted to keep the cottage in in with fishing, hunting and
at Clear Lake, so we decided the park for. the family and to share it with swimming opportunities near-
that we were going to rent it “Some folks are using it for other families who want to en- by.
out,” Jacks said. golfing, and some folks are us- joy the lake as well.” Most of the guests are com-
It’s one of 32 listings in ing it for bringing the kids out Kirk and Nicole Ziemianski, ing from Winnipeg, Kirk said.
the Riding Mountain Nation- for a vacation, so it’s been nice also from Winnipeg, have had “They like it because it’s
al Park area, with an average to see that,” Jacks said. “We’ve their cottage at Sandy Lake — close to Clear Lake, it’s close
nightly price of $154. had some good response.” about a 30-minute drive from to the water, it’s close to every-
The cottage was built back Their cottage, listed at $195 Riding Mountain — listed on thing in town and it’s fairly new
in the mid-’70s by her father, per night on the website, sleeps Airbnb for about a year. They ... it’s always being rented out.”
and is located just outside Rid- up to six adults, with three bed- heard good things about it from
ing Mountain National Park. rooms, a bathroom, a living people, and thought they would »
They spent every summer there room with a fireplace, and a ful- try it out, Kirk said. » Twitter: @Melverge5
Kirk Ziemianski and Nicole Ziemianski from Winnipeg are renting out their cot- Kirk Ziemianski and Nicole Ziemianski’s cabin that they are renting out at
tage at Sandy Lake on Airbnb. It has been listed since last summer. (Submitted) Sandy Lake on Airbnb. (Submitted)