Page 6 - The Brandon Sun - Lake Life 2019
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An aerial view of Clear Lake. (Parks Canada)
» Continued from Page 4 been a lot busier the past couple northern pike and perch. On
of years. the first round they added in
On any given weekend “We’ve finally had some 900,000 fish, and a week later
throughout the summer, the heated days during our sum- they added in another 400,000
beaches fill up by midday, with mer,” he said. “Before that sum- — so, “there’s lots in the lake,”
visitation highest in July and mers were wet and cool, and of she said.
August. course it was always the week- Generally, the lake is very
ends they turned that way, but peaceful and doesn’t see heavy
SHOAL LAKE the last couple of years it’s in- amounts of traffic, perfect for
There’s plenty of fishing creased (with the good weath- people looking for a secluded
and spots to camp at Shoal er).” getaway.
Lake, located just greater than They’re easily accessible by “There’s always room for
an hour northwest of Brandon. three highways — Highway more boats out here. I live right
Although they did experience 16, Highway 21, which runs on the lake, and you know it’s
some die off this year with win- through the north and south on a long weekend there’s more
terkill, the fish are still plentiful, and passes right through town, traffic, theres more boat traffic,
said Municipality of Yellow- and Highway 42, which comes but generally the lake is not
head Mayor Merv Starzyk. in from the west. very busy at all.”
“There’s certainly our jack For people looking to stay
fish and pickerel and I believe PELICAN LAKE more than just the day, there’s
a few different campgrounds
there was some perch thrown in Pelican Lake is the largest they can choose from, includ-
there too,” Starzyk said. “They navigable lake in southwestern ing Happyland Campground
will be restocking them (the Manitoba, and is located less with daily sites, and Strathcona
fish) again this year, I think it than an hour southeast of Bran- Park.
would probably be fairly soon, don. It’s 22.5 kilometres long, There’s also five different
mid summer or late spring.” and approximately 2.4 kilome- restaurants people can choose
They have plenty of camp- tres wide, said Fay McEach- from, three located in Ninette,
ing, both seasonal and daily ern, a member of the Tourism one on the east side of Strath-
located at the south end of the Westman board. cona Park, and the other with
lake. “There’s lots of shoreline to soft serve icecream, located at
How busy they get through- explore,” McEachern said. Pleasant Valley Golf Club.
out the summer largely depends They just re-stocked the »
on the weather, he said. It has lake recently with pickerel, » Twitter: @Melverge5 Lake Wahtopanah. (Submitted)