Page 10 - The Brandon Sun - Lake Life 2019
P. 10

10                                                 THE BRANDON SUN • LAKE LIFE • THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 2019

             A kayaker paddles against the wind past cottages on Minnedosa Lake. (File)
             How to be sustainable at the cottage

             By Colin Slark             used to exist in our world and  sit there and we watch animals  the shoreline in place,” Cor-
                                        isn’t there anymore,” he said on  come by and the birds come by  nelsen said. “If you remove that
               Like   home    ownership, the topic of animal and plant  because we’ve left so much of  cover of vegetation, you’re gon-
             owning a cottage comes with  species going extinct.   the nature in place.”      na really increase your chances
             its own set of challenges and   He  believes  something  Stephen  Cornelsen,  re- of shoreline erosion.”
             responsibilities. Unlike living  needs to be done at a govern- source conservation manager   Erosion takes away habi-
             in an urban setting, cottagers  mental level to preserve nature  for Riding Mountain Nation- tat from shoreline and aquatic
             come in more direct contact  in this province, but he also has  al  Park,  advises  that  cottagers   creatures and can alter water
             with Manitoba’s diverse flora  advice for cottagers wanting to  along Clear Lake should dou-  conditions like temperature,
             and  fauna.  For  cottagers  who  minimize their impact. For his  ble-check that any plants they   and the chemistry of the water.
             want to minimize their impact  family’s lake property, Reder  plan to add to their property   The  provincial  govern-
             on  the  environment,  here  are  has kept the natural vegetation  are  not  invasive  species  like   ment recommends that cot-
             some tips on how to be sustain- around the waterfront, only  leafy spurge. Cottagers can   tagers should avoid using lawn
             able.                      clearing an area on either side  contact the park to verify that   and garden fertilizers on their
               Eric Reder, a wilderness  of his dock for boat parking.  what they intend to plant is not   property because it can speed
             and water campaigner for Ca-  Reder said that this not only  an invasive species, or they can   up weed and algae growth in
             nadian nature advocacy group  gives habitat to aquatic life like  look at online resources like the   the nearby lake. This effect is
             Wilderness Committee, is con- fish, but also gives habitat  to  lists of invasive aquatic and ter-  called eutrophication, which
             cerned about logging at Duck  the plants themselves, which  restrial species maintained by   sometimes manifests as an al-
             Mountain Provincial Park and  keep the water clean. This all  the Invasive Species Council of   gal bloom. Excess algae on the
             mining at Nopiming Provincial  contributes to a healthy ecosys- Manitoba.        surface of the water blocks oth-
                                                                                              er plants in the lake from get-
             Park. Reder worries about what  tem.                    According to Cornelsen,
             the effect of climate change is   “Opening weekend and  there’s another benefit to leav-  ting  sunlight, killing  them  as
             having  on  the  world  and  the  there my son is, catching din- ing in natural vegetation.   they  cannot  produce  nutrients
             human race.                ner off of the dock, casting with   “The trees, the shrubs, the   through photosynthesis.
               “It’s stunning to think what  the  red  and  white  spoon.  We  roots, the root system all holds   » Continued on Page 11
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