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Destinations_Asessippi_Layout 1 18-12-04 5:50 PM Page 3
“They’re just happy to do that.”
There’s also the Powder Keg Pub, which is often
quite busy after a day on the runs.
Each year, between 46,000 to 55,000 guests come
out to see what the resort has to offer, or to return to
the slopes.
Coming up this year, they will be open late over
Christmas break until 7 p.m. every night leading up to
New Year’s, Johnson said. On New Year’s Eve, they
will have a celebration on the hill.
It’s a unique countdown, Johnston said.
“There’s a midnight torch run, so there’s two
firework shows,” she said. “The last firework show is a
midnight countdown, so we turn all the lights off and
you ski and snowboard the runs with glow sticks
under the fireworks.”
There are other events taking place throughout the
season, including on family day when they will have
their version of “The Amazing Race” put on for
families, called the Asessippi Amazing Race. There are
different activities set up that competitors can try,
and it’s like a big scavenger hunt that’s open to
everybody at the resort, Guay said.
“The first year we did it we had eight or 10 teams do
it, and it runs throughout all day, and it’s open to all
ages,” she said. “We have the real hard competitors
that go into it, and then we have mom and kids that
join, and it’s just things that they find on the hill to be
able to get that bragging rights.”
Recently, they started offering kite boarding at the
resort, where the participants can learn more about
the sport in a classroom environment, and then get a
Top: A skier tears down the Asessippi slopes (Matt chance to go out and try it in the field.
Goerzen). Bottom: Skiers and snowboarders make “You have a kite that you’re attached to with a
their way up the chairlifts at Asessippi (Brandon Sun). harness, and you have skis on and you just go through
the field,” Johnston said. “It can be flat, and you can
harness the wind with it.”
For those who are looking to make it more than just
“It’s got lots of unique items in there, as well as a day trip, although Asessippi doesn't have
jackets and outside gear, ski pants, that type of thing,” accommodations directly on site, there are cabins
Guay said. nearby that are rented out on Air B&B, as well as local
There are fireplaces at each one of their seating hotels in the Roblin and Russell area.
areas inside, as well as a book corner where people can For anyone new coming to the resort, the staff at
leave their books, and a virtual reality gaming area. Asessippi can help plan a stay for you, catered to what
“There’s lots of people that we’ve discovered in the you want, Johnson said.
last couple of years at our events, people that just “We first try to find out what you’re looking for, what
want to come out and hang out for the day, not you want to do,” she said. “Do you want to relax, if you
necessarily to ski or snowboard,” Guay said. “So, we want to go skiing, and then we’ll build something for
just wanted to make more offerings.” you from there. We suggest the best place for you to
Often, visitors who will come in and sit at one of stay, build some activities (around that), whether it’s
their seating areas by the fireplace and read a book, a ski or snowboard lesson, or tubing we just try to
she said. build what our guests want.”