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Dashing Through The Snow_Layout 1  18-12-04  5:32 PM  Page 4

                    However, you can visit
                   the back country when
                   you skijor, as long as
                   you bring wider skis.
                    Skiing       for
                   enjoyment, Ingram
                   and Spirit can
                   travel upwards of
                   25 kilometres in
                   a single outing,
                   with the duo
                   loving every trip.
                    “He gets to
                   really run, when
                   I’m skiing,” Ingram
                   laughed, “Especially
                   down the hill, it
                   would just be white
                    While Westman does
                   not have a large skijoring
                   community, Ingram has seen
                   the community grow over the
                   years. There has also been a group
                   of kick sledders emerge in the area.
                    Kick sleds offer a family friendly
                   alternative to skijoring, allowing participants to
                   ride longer straighter trails with young kids.     “She’s excited to go, she knows we’re going to go out
                    Waiting somewhat patiently for the weather to turn,  on an adventure,” Fletcher laughed. “She loses her
                   Brandon mom Alyssa Fletcher is willing it to snow so  mind, she’s pretty pumped.”
                   she can get out on the skijoring trails.           Fletcher skijors with back country skis, giving her
                    Fletcher first began kick sledding three years ago,  the ability to go off trail and ski closer to home.
                   getting her  first pair of skis for skijoring last  “It’s just a really good outdoor option,” Fletcher
                   Christmas.                                        beamed, “I just love being outdoors with my dogs.”
                    “We just used the dogs that we had to figure out if it  November, a three legged dog, is able to pull the sled
                   was a sport for us,” Fletcher said.               using a special harness. This will be November’s last
                    A kick sled is significantly smaller then a traditional  year as a kick sled dog.
                   dog sled, using one or two dogs instead of a team.  Having always had an interest in skijoring, Fletcher
                    The sled is propelled forward by kicking, with the  was inspired to pick up a pair of skis after watching
                   dog helping to provide a little extra speed.      videos on YouTube.
                    Unlike skijoring, kick sledding is not as dependent on  Researching skijoring, she learned about kick
                   snow. It can be used even on a slick sidewalk.    sledding, and found it was the perfect  fit for her
                    Kick sledding with her dog November, Fletcher    family, so every member can get out in the snow.
                   enjoys the sport. November gets visibly excited when  “It’s just a great time,” Fletcher said. “Getting to the
                   she sees the harness, knowing it’s time to hit the trails  trail is the hard part.”
                   and work.                                          Fletcher’s Border Collie puppy McCoy, is her new
                    When the Brandon Hills are in sight, November    sled dog in training. She is excited to see what McCoy
                   bristles with excitement, knowing she is about to race  can do on the trail.
                   around the trails.

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