Page 18 - Trending Magazine 2018 Winter
P. 18

Destinations_Asessippi_Layout 1  18-12-04  5:57 PM  Page 5

                   By Melissa Verge

                    Instead of boarding a Boeing 747 for sun and  cheap price, to as much as you want to
                   sand this winter, Manitobans could try      invest in it.”
                   something a little different – and cheaper.  There   are  ice-fishing  derbies
                    There are a number of activities people can do  throughout the winter around the
                   outside this winter for a staycation in the  province, including one on Pelican
                   province, said Colin Ferguson, president and  Lake, one on Rock Lake, and one on
                   CEO of Travel Manitoba.                     Killarney Lake.
                    “If you want to take the family skiing up in  “There’s lots of places and lots of
                   Asessippi for example, or head out to the   opportunities to go ice fishing, and
                   Whiteshell (provincial park) Falcon trails, you’re  if someone wants to try ice fishing
                   virtually in a cabin on a secluded lake,” Ferguson  I have never met an ice fisherman
                   said. “In the north, you don’t even have to go  yet who wouldn’t be more than
                   that far north; some of the best ice fishing exists  willing to drill a hole for somebody
                   on Lake Winnipeg.                           to try it,” he said.
                    Ice fishing is a great activity to do close to  Besides ice fishing, the north is also
                   home during long Manitoba winters, local    great for snowmobiling and cross-
                   fisherman Clarence Sawatzky said.            country skiing, Ferguson said.
                    “Years ago, I kind of decided that I’m going to  “These are phenomenal opportunities,
                   live in Manitoba and enjoy, and I might as well  and people are starting to take note of them
                   enjoy the outside in general,” Sawatzky said.   and starting to experience them.”
                    “It’s just another dimension to summertime  For people in the Brandon area interested in
                   fishing. Our winters are long, and if we don’t fill  a quiet weekend away, there’s also the
                   it with different things, multiple things, then it  Wasagaming town site up by Clear Lake that’s
                   can feel even longer.”                      open on a year-round basis.
                    One of the nice things about it is it can be as  For a higher-end trip, staycationers could also
                   expensive or as inexpensive as you want, he  make the journey up to Churchill, he said. VIA
                   said. Although many activities will become  Rail service for passengers has also resumed
                   commercialized with, “You have to have this,  this month. First Air makes two trips to
                   you have to have that,” for ice fishing, it’s not  Churchill from Winnipeg daily. One leaves at
                   necessary.                                  7:30 a.m. and arrives at 9:30 a.m., and one
                    “I know a guy who has fished on Rock Lake all  leaves at 4 p.m. and arrives at 8:30 p.m..
                   his life, and he fishes with a simple stick and  “(There’s) polar bear viewing, Beluga
                   string and a jig. He’ll go down to the lake and  whale viewing or northern lights
                   find where somebody else has drilled a hole or  viewing.”
                   watches for somebody to leave an area, then  Staycations are growing in
                   he’ll just go in and fish out of the same holes,” he  popularity, as those living in the
                   said. “So, you can go  fishing for a relatively  province realize the great many

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