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Coming to your Senses_Layout 1 18-09-18 2:49 PM Page 4
“Enjoy the beauty around you, whether its the trees of people feel a sense of anxiety or depression, and I
or the green, or water or sun… just incorporating can definitely relate… and I needed something that
these little ways of enjoying the present moment can helped bring clarity to my existence, and meditation
really help us to live a more mindful life,” she said. did that for me.”
For others, finding a creative outlet like painting, Jette said meditation is like a workout for your
knitting or playing an instrument has meditative brain.
benefits. Using a simple mantra that is positive and in “We know we have to take care of our bodies or they
the present tense can help people stay focused, such will deplete… but we never think neck up,” she said. “I
as “I am calm.” like to think this is my
For some, having a visual favourite work out. I get to
representation of the chakras Enjoy the beauty around you, sit and I’m not sweating.”
is helpful to stay focused. At whether its the trees or the Jette will be teaching a
Kristin Jette’s mindfulness green, or water or sun... four-week mindfulness
meditation class at Inspire You meditation course through
Studio, she offers a light bar to Assiniboine Community
represent the seven wheels of energy throughout the College’s Continuing Studies. It begins Oct. 18 and
body. The seven chakras include the root, sacral, solar runs Thursday evenings.
plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown. It’s all about being in the present moment, she said
“Sometimes it’s hard to envision that white light, so and benefits can be experienced in a simple five or ten
I’ll turn on a white light to help people see it,” she said. minute practice every day.
After years of practicing mindfulness in her own life, “It is very difficult to stop thinking about our past …
Jette decided to launch a class to help others. and it’s really difficult to stop worrying about the
“I had a lot of medical issues when I was younger, future…but we’re missing so much when we do that,”
which led me to where I am today,” she said. “Dealing Jette said. “So it’s just about letting go…and allowing
with those medical issues was very stressful, and a lot yourself just to be.”