Page 10 - Trending Magazine 2018 Fall
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Growing the Game_Layout 1  18-09-18  3:17 PM  Page 1

                     Photos by Tyler Clarke, Matt Goerzen & Melissa Verge
                     Story by Melissa Verge

                      iego Rodriguez has dedicated
                      many hours to soccer, from
               Dplaying on a field in Colombia
               where he grew up, all the way to his
               current home in Brandon.
                 Rodriguez stood on a soccer field in
               the city on a warm summer afternoon,
               wearing matching white shorts and a
               shirt with “Fly Emirates” across the
               chest.  He absentmindenly pushed the
               curly hair from his forehead as he
                 In Colombia, soccer was the major
               sport, Rodriguez said.
                 “As soon as you learn to walk you
               have a ball by your feet, and you just
               kick it around whenever you get a
               chance,” he said.
                 ”Everywhere you go is just soccer,
               soccer soccer.”
                 His house in Colombia was situated
               right in front of a field, so Rodriguez
               developed a routine that was centred
               around the sport.
                 “What I would do is eat lunch, then
               take a ball and go play with my friends
               non-stop until the sun went out and I
               couldn’t be outside anymore,” he said.
                 In  the city of Brandon where he now
               plays, the sport has experienced
               growth of it’s own, with many players
               who have immigrated to the city from

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