Page 33 - Trending Magazine 2018 Spring
P. 33

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                   says Dr. Teresa Sztaba, clinical psychologist and executive  constantly  reported  higher  levels  of  loneliness  and
                   director of the Manitoba Psychological Society.   depression as compared to youth who had minimal use,”
                   “We are so connected all of the time — we don’t have  Bromley said. “Generally speaking, it feels like social
                   those natural rest periods that used to be built into our  media connects us, but the studies are showing higher
                   schedule prior to having constant access and demands  levels of loneliness in those who focus on social media
                   from technology and various media,” Sztaba said. “I do  more than face-to-face interaction… chasing likes is not
                   think there has been an impact on people becoming more  equivalent to making friends.”
                   easily distracted. I think there also has been an increase  Although there is no formal clinical diagnosis for an
                   in stress.”                                       addiction to social media or, by extension, smartphones,
                   For generations, people would have Sunday scheduled as  the mediums share characteristics with other activities
                   a day to rest and spend time with family, Sztaba said,  people can get addicted to, such as gambling, said
                   which was not only necessary for maintaining valuable re-  Michael Ellery, a clinical psychologist with an expertise
                   lationships, but also to give our brains a much-needed  in addictive behaviours.
                   break.                                            “It’s immediately reinforcing and somewhat randomly
                   “Whether they were religious or not, people had an idea  so … for instance, when you put a post up on Facebook,
                   that there needed to be time set aside where commerce  you get responses — likes, comments, that sort of thing
                   was not being done, where work was not being done, and  — but you don’t necessarily know when it’s coming, how
                   people could visit and connect with each other … that was  many you’ll get or how often,” Ellery said. “When you
                   set into our schedules for a long time,” Sztaba said.   give people that kind of reinforcement schedule, that
                   “It’s certainly very important for people to have down  random reinforcement, it takes a long time for behav-
                   time. It’s very important for people to have times when  iours to extinguish.”
                   their adrenaline levels are lower because they’re not feel-  “Teenagers, Ellery adds, are especially susceptible to
                   ing stressed about having to respond to multiple demands  internet overuse.
                   at the same time.”                                Teenage brains are sort of wired to pursue novelty…
                   Social media and similar technology has also impacted  they’re prone to lots of dopamine-firing in response to
                   that social interaction, Sztaba said.             novel sorts of stimuli like social media use,” Ellery said.
                   “I don’t think we’re connecting like we used to … even in  “Their brains are actually geared to be addicted to
                   normal, every day social interactions we are constantly  things.”
                   being distracted from that caring and connecting relation-  There are some benefits to technology as it is today,
                   ship with others,” Sztaba said.                   both Ellery and Sztaba said, and there is still a lot of
                   “We have all kinds of social media that are for connecting  research to be done on how it affects us.
                                               with others, but it’s a  “I do think there are advantages … I think the ability to
                                               different nature of a  have knowledge at your finger tips, basically the world
                                               relationship, it’s often  encyclopedia of knowledge, is amazing. The ability to
                                               a more superficial     connect with people from all over the world is amazing,”
                                               kind of relationship.  Szaba said.
                                               There aren’t a lot of  “There’s been contradictory findings about the effects
                                               lengthy talks, for ex-  of technology. Some findings seem to indicate that IQ
                                               ample, or deep con-   levels are rising and there’s been a hypothesis that it
                                               nections with people.”  might be associated with technology and that availabil-
                                               Some studies have     ity of information. However, some studies seem to
                                               even started to show  indicate that too much use of technology might be
                                               negative effects due  associated with lower IQs … I think the jury is still out
                                               to the over-use of    in that respect.”
                                               social media, said    “People are really interest in vilifying social media, but
                                               Chris Bromley, a      we haven’t made any clearly causal connections
                                               psychiatric  nurse    between people’s well-being and this sort of behaviour,”
                                               working in child and  Ellery said.
                                               adolescent mental     Meditation, deep breathing and taking time to be calm,
                                               health for Prairie    however, is never a bad idea, Sztaba said, as a way to
                                               Mountain Health.      regain balance and give the brain some time to
             Brandon University student and digital detox  “One study showed  recharge.
             proponent Nathan MacKrith checks his cell  that youth who use  “Even if you can stop and breath calmly in a relaxed way
             phone one sunny afternoon in February.  social media almost  for a couple of minutes, it can be of benefit,” Sztaba said.

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