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father. The buildings were built exclusively with pine, balconies overlooking a quaint little pond. includes luxurious in-house jet tubs, and large Nature's Hideaway's high-end log cabin experience
peacefulness of the cabin life here. She was inspired
they’re finished so each board shines. The furniture is by the best cabins she stayed at, which informed her
wood-crafted, too. that a king bed and a Jacuzzi are a must, as are a
The amenities offer a modern twist. A Jacuzzi, fireplace, TV and a covered deck for sitting outside
fireplace, satellite television and an assortment of amid the elements.
movies ensure the cabin is a comfortable place to be They found an abandoned farmyard to hold it all,
holed up for hours. where a gravel road curves away and a body of water
A short drive away is the 45 kilometres of groomed rests below.
cross-country trails that are a feature of the Brandon “We just happened upon this place, it’s perfect,” she
Hills should winter recreation be part of your explained.
excursion. Guests must bring or rent their own skis. “To this day, we have people who want to buy it.”
Inside one’s cabin, “everything’s built for two people.” Granger finds she loves her line of work. After years
These cabins host honeymoons, anniversary of finding destinations for others, she’s developed a
celebrations and birthday get-togethers, for couples destination of her own.
in their 20s to those together for decades. “It’s a happy thing. It’s not one of those jobs where
Granger comprised an impressive career in the travel guests really complain, because they’re happy when
industry prior to launching her cabin getaway they come in and they’re usually satisfied with the
business. She’s booked trips for the prime minister of product.”
Canada and, most recently, handled travel for the With a little extra dough, couples can order roses,
NHL’s Calgary Flames. champagne and a chocolate-covered strawberry fruit
When she and her husband set upon returning to the plate for their stay.
Brandon area more than a decade ago to be closer to To find Nature’s Hideaway, travel south on Highway
their families, she thought of bringing cabin getaways 10 from Brandon, turn east on High Country Road
with her. and proceed for 3.2 kilometres before turning south.
As a travel agent, she visited many cabins around Drive for 3.5 kilometres until you reach a sign for
Calgary, and figured she could migrate the Nature’s Hideaway to the left.