Page 3 - 2021-06-10 Lake Life
P. 3
» Continued from Page 2 comers may not be aware
of how to prevent bear en-
Photos and videos of counters or what to do in
bears are frequently post- case of one.
ed in the Riding Mountain One of the best things
National Park Facebook people can do is travel in
group, but they are still groups (health restrictions
wild animals and need to permitting) and make lots
be respected. of noise, she said. Making
There are between sure you are talking, clap-
800 and 1,000 bears ping, singing or calling out
in the national park are all good ways to alert
scattered around the bears that you’re in the
2,969-square-kilometre area.
boundary, Sallows esti- “Really, the safest wild-
mates. The bears can vary life encounter is one that
in colour between black has been prevented,” she
and blonde, depending on wrong and people should be at you, but they’ll let you said.
the season. aware at all times. In 2020, know they’re not happy “Noise is key because if
Bears are most often seen a woman was attacked by with you being there, es- wildlife hears us coming
around food sources, such a black bear on Moon Lake pecially if there are cubs — including black bears —
as roadside dandelions and Trail after not seeing a sign around,” he said. they’re going to try and flee
the berry bushes that line warning of a potential en- Janine Wilmot, a hu- that area and try to leave.”
many trails. counter. man-wildlife conflict biol- Dogs should also be kept
While bears themselves “They’re usually pretty ogist with Manitoba Con- on a short leash and not al-
are not usually dangerous, mellow. If you’re in their servation, said the influx of lowed to wander in forest-
Sallows said encounters with space or surprise them people to hiking trails and ed areas.
humans can sometimes go they may do a bluff charge outdoor areas means new- » Continued on Page 5