Page 32 - Brandon Sun - 2020 Westman Business
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32                                                                                   THE BRANDON SUN • WESTMAN BUSINESS • NOVEMBER 2020

        The Green Spot covers all seasons for growers

          You don’t have to have a green  mended steps, they have done much
        thumb or be a seasoned gardener to  to ensure customer safety.
        stop by The Green Spot.               “We limited the number of people
          On  Nov.  1,  2007,  Bernie  Whetter  allowed to come in by decreasing the
        purchased  the  business  from  the  number of available shopping carts
        Vreeman family who had owned and  and have had no problems enforcing
        operated the greenhouse for 29 years.  social distancing. The greenhouse is
        The greenhouse has been an exist- large, so people have no issues main-
        ing part of the Brandon community  taining their distance,” Whetter add-
        and  has  provided  gardening  essen- ed.
        tials to local plant enthusiasts for 42   As it operates year round,  The
        years. Bernie Whetter explained the  Green Spot, has taken steps to offer
        privilege of being able to operate the  a wide range of services to add more
        business in Brandon, a town he has  value for customers.
        had a long history with since he was a     Avid  spring and  summer custom-
        child.                               ers should not fear that their access
          “Brandon is close to where I grew  to quality plants is limited in the win-
        up in a town called Dand,” he said. “I  ter months.  With the recent surge
        always enjoyed coming to Brandon  in popularity of tropical plants, The
        to visit the dentist when I was young  Green Spot has a  continuous sup-
        growing up on the farm. Moving  ply of unique Florida Fresh tropical
        here in the 80’s felt a lot like coming  plants.   During the Christmas sea-
        home.”                               son, their store converts to a Holi-
          Whetter credited his predecessor  day Festival which caters to those
        Dick Vreeman and his family for es- shopping for the home and garden
        tablishing the greenhouse that he has  enthusiast.
        taken under his care.                 From the beginning of November
          “It’s all because of them that I was  to April, furnaces are turned on to
        able to build on what they have al- heat the 120,000 sq.foot greenhouse
        ready done,” he said.                and keep plants thriving. Whetter ex-  Courtney Clark, a sales associate with The Green Spot, waters a tropical house plant.
          The Green Spot, unlike other sea- plained that all this is done to ensure  (Matt Goerzen/The Brandon Sun)
        sonal garden centres, operates 12  customers can still come by and get
        months out of the year and is open  their plant needs met.
        through the changing seasons. They    “I would like to invite people to
        are open year round to provide ac- come check us out.  With the pan-
        cess to perennials, flowers, vegeta- demic, many of our events have been
        bles, trees, plant care products, home  cancelled as we adapt to the chang-
        décor, water features and patio furni- es  but we  still  encourage  people  to
        ture. They have also taken steps to ex- come by. Avid spring customers don’t
                                                                            Something for Everyone!
        pand their products and services by  know about our Christmas store;
        providing fresh grass-fed beef from  we have an expansive collection of
        Boyd’s Beef, a local livestock provider  merchandise we would love them to
        and other local goods made by local  come see,” he said.
        producers. They have also included a   Aside from the wide array of goods         Keystone Beer Company
        section that provides women’s fash- and services provided by The Green            Keystone Beer Company
        ion. The Green Spot is more than just  Spot, another high point of the busi-
        a provider of plants and shrubbery;  ness is the team.
        they are a hub for local producers to   The team consists of dedicated          has a great selection of coolers & cold beverages in our well-lit location.
        sell their goods.                    individuals who help in the garden     Order online through or the Dash app to get your cold beverages
          Their Gourmet line includes not  centre as well as a team of landscap-             & hot pizza at the same time by delivery or curbside pickup.
        only the meat from Boyd’s but vege- ers who are equipped to install water
        tables and locally produced products.  and fire features. Whetter described
        Their partnerships with Chez Ange- the high quality standards and the
                                                                                       Gondola Pizza
        la, Boyd’s and Emerald Earth ensure  uniqueness of the team at The Green       Gondola Pizza
        that their affiliated restaurant Foxtail  Spot.
        Café has fresh locally produced food   “We are a true garden centre but         Check out our new specials for delivery,
        to serve patrons. Whetter stressed the  our atmosphere is what makes us
        importance of incorporating local  unique,” he said. “We have an excel-         pick-up or dine-in at Georgie’s Lounge.
        goods into the products sold at The  lent team here; half of them are orig-  Order through or use the Dash app
        Green Spot.                          inal members from when I took over       We now deliver outside of Brandon city limits                                        Weekly Entertainment & Daily Specials
          “We work hard at trying to have  13 years ago. They love what they’re          with phone-in orders. Call 204-727-2070
        local produce and local goods, to ac- doing and they are good at what they           Discounts on large orders.
        commodate people who like to pur- do.”
        chase local products in our Gourmet   At  The Green Spot there is much             Please call 24 hours in advance.
        line,” he said.                      to discover and explore.  Whether
          The Green Spot has not been im- you  are  a  small  scale  plant  parent                             1050 - 18th Street
        mune from making changes to daily  or a landscaper looking for fresh                              across from the Keystone Centre
        operations during the pandemic.      new ideas, The Green Spot will have                                204-728-6620           204-727-2070
          By applying markers for social dis- something for you.                                  
        tancing, limiting the number of peo-
        ple in store and taking the recom- » The Brandon Sun                                                   Please drink responsibly.                                   Great Selection

                                                                                                                                                                           Gondola Pizza
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