Page 35 - Westman Business 2019
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OCTOBER 2019 • WESTMAN BUSINESS • THE BRANDON SUN                                                                                           35

            » Continued from Page 34            er format rolls, we can send them out  ry for them, because they’ve got their  baggie full of 35 mm rolls of film. She
                                                for processing,” Hrabok said. “As far as  life on their (phone or computer), and  said they were of her daughter from
              In addition, Brandon Photographics  printing, we can print from just about  if it crashes, it’s heartbreaking to think  birth to age two and that she would
            is the only place in the Wheat City that  anything.”                     about – it could be gone in an instant,”  like them processed and printed. Every
            processes film in-house. Surprising-  The business enjoys a lot of patrons  she said.                        single roll was blank. They hadn’t been
            ly, given the ubiquitousness of phone  who are committed to having their   It’s been said that the current gener- loaded properly into the camera and
            cameras, the number of folks wanting  photos printed, something that Hrabok  ation is the most photographed in his- she had nothing. Worse yet, that child
            to have film processed is on the rise.    strongly advises. She’s a big believer in  tory, but there aren’t any actual pictures  had nothing. At that point there isn’t
              “There are a few different reasons  albums, because the photos are accessi- of them, because everything is in digital  anything you can do.”
            why people are shooting film,” Hrabok  ble and tangible and always at the ready.  format. Sometimes, printed photos are   When asked by customers what
            said. “Some may have a really nice film  While she acknowledged that prints can  very necessary.             she would recommend for archiving,
            camera and not want to switch unless  also be lost or burned or susceptible to   “At the beginning of September, I took  Hrabok says USB is likely the most re-
            something happens to it.  There are  other sorts of mishaps, they’re still one  note of how many parents came to the  liable format, given the changes in the
            some people who don’t have a camera  of the best ways to ensure your memo- store in a panic, or emailed us some- digital realm that take place on an al-
            and just need to take a few photos, so  ries are preserved.              thing quick from their phone because  most daily basis.
            they’ll purchase a disposable camera.   “We have a group of people who are  their kids were going back to school and       “If you think back to older com-
            Then there are the people who were  very dedicated to printing,” Hrabok  needed images for projects.”        puters, they had a USB port,” she said.
            born into digital, but think it’s pretty in- said. “You see them once a month. They   Hrabok said her unwavering belief in  “Computers are still made with these
            teresting to go back and shoot film.”  have everything they’ve shot, and it’s all  printed photos has only been under- ports. So as long as nothing happens to
              The shop can develop 35, 110 and 126  catalogued. They get (multiple copies),  lined by what she’s seen happen to peo- that stick, it seems to be a format that
            mm C-41 film.                       because one is for them, one is for their  ple who haven’t kept up with printing.  has hung around while others have
              “If  a  customer  brings  us  something  parents and one is for each of their kids.  “The worst thing I ever encountered  gone by the wayside.”
            odd, like black and white, slides or larg-  “The people who don’t print – I wor- was a lady who came in with a Ziplock
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