Page 33 - Westman Business 2019
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OCTOBER 2019 • WESTMAN BUSINESS • THE BRANDON SUN                                                                                           33
            » Continued from Page 32            And execute on that decision.”       deserves to a certain degree,” Chris said.  something back to Mother Earth. We’re
                                                   As mentioned, the company has ex- “Because as I said before, it’s changing  giving back to what the earth has given
              “Our team  came up  with  ‘Superior  panded in terms of scope and acquisitions  people’s lives.            to us.”
            workmanship by people who care’ togeth- over the last few years, but their roster of   “And the beauty of it is, it’s going to   In order to maintain their high stan-
            er. And we’ve built our core values around  employees has grown as well. Rather than  grow with you, your family, your life. So  dards, Chris said they are “never not hir-
            it. My point is I believe that’s what allows  10 or 15 people, they now employ 75 to  if you’re doing an interior renovation,  ing”  — that  they’re  always  looking  for
            us to do the things we do.”         90 during their exceedingly busy summer  they’re not growing any further after the  great people.
              And while they’re pleased to have such  months.                        contractor leaves. Whereas when you do a   “We believe that if the people that
            a successful business, it’s more than that   “We’ve grown very quickly, and the  landscape renovation, if it’s done properly  work for a company are successful, then
            for them.                           growth trajectory hasn’t been about being  and it’s planned out properly, every year  the company will be successful. Surround
              “I think it’s a passion,” Karin said. “And  the biggest,” Chris said. “When we made  it’s growing and different. You get a dif- yourself with great people and great things
            when you’re passionate about something,  the decision to move out to this new lo- ferent feeling from a different perspective.  happen. It really is that simple. We focus
            you’re passionate! So, everything is done  cation six years ago (the southeast corner  And our goal has always been, on a de- on the little things so the big things can
            because you care, and you like it when you  of 34th Street and Patricia Avenue) and  sign/build side and the landscaping side,  happen!
            do it.”                             build this facility, it was about how we  whenever we’re doing a design and we’re   “We’re very high on safety,” Chris said.
              “Karin has always said if you love what  could add to the industry.”   doing an installation, if we’re looking  “We were one of the first landscape com-
            you do, it’s not work,” Chris added. “At   People  told  them  they  were  nuts  to  from one corner of the yard to the other  panies in Manitoba — the first one out-
            the end of the day, we’re a little bit of  expand from a contracting business to a  corner of the yard, it should all be consis- side Winnipeg — to be COR certified. So
            an anomaly to a certain degree, because  garden  centre  instead  of  the  other  way  tent and have continuity, but the goal is to  we’ve driven that through our whole orga-
            we’re partners at work and there are a lot  around, but for the Griffins, it just seemed  get a different approach. To get a different  nization. And every week we have a safety
            of things we agree on, and there’s certain  a logical move. And as far as integrating  look and the same feeling.”  meeting — we use those for communica-
            things we don’t. But we’re also partners in  different services and expertise, they’d al-  Alternative has made several contribu- tions, incentives — we have employee of
            our life, and I think that that passion does  ready done that in Alternative Landscap- tions to the community by offering their  the month, paid birthdays off, staff barbe-
            add. And I think when we have some- ing right from the beginning.        expertise on projects that are mostly fo- cues and family functions.
            thing that’s a challenge — if somebody   “We’d been doing gardening and yard  cused  on  kids  and  families  and  building   “We believe doing things like that, so
            has a complaint, let’s say, we go back to  maintenance for years,” within our land- communities.  They’ve also been recog- they understand how much they’re appre-
            that same mission statement and go back  scaping,” Karin said. “And I think this was  nized by the Indigenous community be- ciated, but also it’s part of building our
            to our teams and ask,  ‘Was it superior  just the right fit. We love what we do.”  cause of their sensitivity to the planet,  culture as well. And I can’t say it enough:
            workmanship?’ And it’s a pretty yes-or-no   And really, what they do by creating  something Chris thinks is pretty special.   We could not to do what we’re doing to-
            question.                           their living art and in some cases making   “They talk about Mother Earth,” he  day if it wasn’t for phenomenal people —
              “And if they say, ‘Well, maybe not, then  something out of nothing is make people  said.  “And I think that’s kind of a cool  phenomenal clients, and such a dynamic
            we say, ‘Well then, do we care?’ And the  happy.                         thing, because from that perspective and  community to support and to be support-
            answer is of course we care. So, then we   “I think the whole industry, the green  their elders’ perspective — I had never  ed by, we are truly thankful and very ap-
            figure out what we’re going to do about it.  industry, is not given the attention that it  looked  at  it  this  way  —  you  are  giving  preciative.”




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