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20                                          THE BRANDON SUN • HEALTH • WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2019

           Sophrology: what you need to know

             Developed  in the 1960s by
           the  Colombian  neuropsychia-
           trist Alfonso Caycedo, sophrol-
           ogy is an increasingly popular
           meditation and  mindfulness
           technique.  While it offers an
           assortment of benefits associ-
           ated with meditation and relax-
           ation, it should be approached
           with caution.

           WHAT IS IT?

             Sophrology combines mind-
           fulness meditation, breathing
           exercises, body awareness and
           visualization techniques. It’s in-
           spired by a wide range of Asian
           and European traditions.
             It  became  popular  when
           three Swiss skiers trained in
           sophrology by Caycedo won
           gold medals at the 1968 Winter
           Olympics. Before long, people
           were using sophrology to pre-
           pare for everything from exams
           to work presentations. Some
           French schools even teach it to
           students as a way to cope with


             Sophrology is more goal-ori-
           ented than other meditation
           techniques and focuses on vi-
           sualizing yourself performing a
           difficult task or getting through
           a stressful situation successfully.
             It doesn’t involve any physi-
           cal work. All that’s needed is a
           chair and the voice of a trained


             This meditation technique
           relies on being guided through
           a series of exercises by an expert
           sophrologist.  Sophrology  has   meditation and visualization  refer to sophrology as a life- fit from sophrology, remember
           12 levels, each of which must   are  well-known,  and  sophrol- style, but it’s only accessible if  that it’s not a substitute for
           be attained with the help of a   ogy can likely help you lower  you pay someone to guide you  proper medical care. It might
           guide.                     your overall level of stress. It  through its 12 levels.  While  be an effective complementary
                                      may also help you prepare for  the majority of sophrologists  treatment, but it shouldn’t re-
                                      situations that worry you.   are no doubt well-intentioned,  place the advice of a healthcare
           WHAT’S THE BOTTOM LINE?                               this opens the door to abusive  professional.
                                        However, caution should be  practices.
             The  benefits  of  relaxation,   exercised. Many practitioners   If you think you may bene- » Wire Services
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