Page 18 - Brandon Sun - Healthy Lifestyles
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18                                          THE BRANDON SUN • HEALTH • WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2019


           What parents should know

             The Mental Health Com-
           mission of Canada estimates
           that 1.2 million children and
           teenagers are affected by men-
           tal illness. What’s more, suicide
           is the leading cause of death
           among Canadians who are 15
           to 24 years old, second only to
           accidents. Roughly 4,000 young
           people die each year by suicide.


             Pressure to perform in
           school, stigma about mental
           illness, unhealthy diets, lack of
           exercise and poor sleep hygiene
           can all contribute to mental
           health issues in teens.
             Psychologists also suspect
           that heavy social network use
           may increase the incidence of
           clinical anxiety and depression.
             Finally, the lack of accessi-
           ble mental health resources for
           young people is partly to blame.
           According to  Youth Mental
           Health Canada, only one-fifth
           of affected youth receive the
           help they need.


             Young people should be
           taught  that  asking  for  help
           isn’t an admission of failure or
           weakness. In addition, parents
           can do these simple things to
           help teens protect their mental
             • Minimize the pressure
           placed on them to perform
             • Spend time together as a
             • Provide a healthy diet
             • Support a healthy sleep
             • Encourage  them to  get  self-esteem              tion, self-denigration, unusual  crisis, but signs of mental illness
           regular exercise                                      moodiness, sadness and ex- should never be dismissed.
             • Enrol them in activi-    Indicators of psycholog- treme fatigue. A moody teen
           ties that build confidence and  ical distress include agita- doesn’t necessarily point to a  » Wire Services
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