Page 3 - Career Symposium 2019
P. 3
» Brandon University
Putting students on the right path
While you’re trying to decide
where you’ll attend university or
college, we’re already thinking
about what you’ll do after you
Students weigh many factors
when choosing where to pursue
their post-secondary education,
but most have one thing in com-
mon. They want to know how
their studies will prepare them
for the rest of their lives.
It’s a big decision to make,
and at Brandon University we
feel it’s important to help you
find the right fit so that we can
set you on the path to achieving
your goals.
“Coming out of high school
and choosing a university can
be intimidating,” said Courtney
Adams, BU’s director of recruit-
ment and retention. “Students
have so much they want to ac-
complish in the next few years
and beyond. By sitting down and
talking with our student advisers
we can help them focus on their diately after they graduate and BU staff. But with 3,500 stu-
goals dreams, and make a plan to join the workforce,” Adams said. dents in a friendly city of 50,000
achieve them.” “Our co-op program is one way we’re still large enough to offer
We all think about books and that you can accomplish that, you the amenities that you need
lectures when we think about but Brandon University is filled and expect on campus, including
university, but your education with many ways to take your residence and meal facilities, a
can be so much more than that. learning to the next level, from state-of-the-art fitness centre,
That’s why we put the sup- lab periods and field courses to a hair salon and the Indigenous
port in place to help you gain clubs and associations that help Peoples’ Centre.
the knowledge and the experi- you build your network before “BU has everything you really
ence you need for a head start you even graduate.” need here in one place, and we’re
on your future. One example is Of course, university is about right in the middle of the city, so
our co-op program, which gives more than just your future. At anything else you could want is
you the opportunity to learn and Brandon University, we want close by and easy to access,” said
earn, pairing you with employers you to start building memories BU student Rebecca Driedger.
to mix in work terms with your that you will cherish forever. “It’s a great place to make friends
studies, giving you job experi- With a compact campus and and to enjoy university while still
ence that is relevant to your ca- small class sizes, there is no bet- being able to focus on your stud-
reer goals. ter place to meet new people ies.”
“Students want to gain expe- and to get to know your class- Visit us at and
rience that will help them imme- mates, your professors and the we’ll help you take your next step.
Please visit us at Booth #18