Page 2 - Career Symposium 2019
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» Assiniboine Community College
A place to discover more
Why are more people choos- If you’re thinking about
ing college than ever before? studying at Assiniboine, there
Because the commitment to ap- are lots of ways to explore the
plied learning, combined with a college and any of our 40+ cer-
culture of community, ensures tificate and diploma programs.
you receive a high-quality ed- Program information nights,
ucation while also surrounded new this year, are free evening
by a supportive and connected presentations that give you an
environment. It’s affordable, overview of the program, an-
flexible post-secondary educa- swer questions you may have,
tion that fits you. and introduce you to college
At Assiniboine Community life. To find an upcoming pro-
College, you’ll make connec- gram info session in Brandon
tions with peers, instructors or Dauphin, visit assiniboine.
and community partners that net/infonight.
will last a lifetime. You’re part If you’re not able to attend
of a learn-by-doing philosophy, an information session, our
which means you spend more recruitment specialists are al-
time away from the textbooks, ways available to meet with
immersed in real-life situations you, provide campus tours and
preparing you for a meaningful answer any questions you may
and interesting career. sitting in a lecture theatre. those aspirations. Ninety-three cent would recommend us to have. They can be reached at
Becoming an Assiniboine You’re an individual with goals per cent of our graduates have family and friends. 1.800.862.6307 ext. 8750 or at
student means you’re not just and dreams, and Assiniboine is jobs within nine months of fin- Ways to connect with As-
a number or a nameless face dedicated to helping you realize ishing their studies, and 91 per siniboine