Page 8 - Westman Business 2018
P. 8

8                                                                                     THE BRANDON SUN • WESTMAN BUSINESS • OCTOBER 2018

        Chancellor Dental receptionist Ashley takes appointment bookings. (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun)  Shannon, a dental assistant with Chancellor Dental, adjusts a Panorex Machine to take full jaw
                                                                                          x-ray. (Tim Smith/The Brandon Sun)

        » Continued from Page 6              their working partnership is a success.
                                               “And they’re still going strong,” Mitch-
           One angle that’s been of significant im-  ell said with a smile. “And obviously we’ve
        portance recently is the hiring of front-of-  added dentists along the way.”
        fice staff who don’t have backgrounds in   Dental assistants will also help patients
        dentistry.  That way, when patients have   convey their concerns or fears or questions
        questions, they can answer them in every-  to the dentists, but again, it’s extra helpful if
        day language, without the confusion that   patients are open about their anxiety before
        medical lingo or jargon often brings.  the treatment begins.  “(Assistants) will try
           “We try and explain things from a more   to anticipate and ask questions of the pa-
        personal perspective, so we’ve been hir-  tients ahead of time,” Mitchell said. “And
        ing people who don’t have a dental back-  there’s no question that people should be
        grounds to work in the front office so we  afraid of asking.
        can explain things to everybody from a hu-  “We want them to know that we’re here,
        man perspective. Like, ‘You’re likely going  we’re friendly, we’re human, but please ask   thank you to our customers
        to be in pain but they’re there to get you  questions. Ask anything.”
        out of pain.’ And we’re going to use terms   As mentioned, the Chancellor Dental
        that are more common English rather than  website – – is anoth-
        what a dentist might use.”           er tool the team is using to try to connect
           Mitchell estimated that about half of  with people and allay their concerns.
        Chancellor Dental’s patients are fairly re-  “It’s actually really cool because you
        laxed and the other half are uptight if not  can hover over the pictures and there are
        downright fearful. And usually that second  questions  in  there  that  each  person  has
        group consists of patients who haven’t been  answered,” Mitchell said.  “And they’re
        to the dentist in a very long time.  very random questions, like ‘What’s your
           “And  it’s  most  often  because  they’ve  favorite book?’ or ‘What was your favorite
        had a very traumatic experience,” she said.  toy as a kid?’ Things like that just to let the
        “So we try and reel back and make them  patients get to know the staff.
        comfortable and then ease them into the   “We want to make sure our patients are
        process because it’s just like doing anything  getting the best care that they can get and
        you’re scared of – you’re not just going to  that  they feel welcome and  calm. Every-
        jump into it.”                       body who’s coming to us needs to know
           In one form or another, Chancellor  that we are going to take care of them just
        Dental has been around for a long time.  as if they were our friends or family. Be-
        Drs. Jim Bonar and Alex Pappas have been  cause that’s what we do.”
        in practice together for about 35 years. And                                             204-726-1333
        their longevity as a team makes it clear that  » The Brandon Sun
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