Page 10 - Westman Business 2018
P. 10
Home decorating
products that meet your
budget, not break it
When folks hear the word “budget,” homes. So within about a two-hour con-
they sometimes assume that means cheap. sultation, we can suggest, design, select,
But where Budget Blinds is concerned, measure, and price. And there’s no charge
nothing could be further from the truth. for that consultation.”
“The name is confusing for some peo- And customers soon discover that Bud-
ple,” said Sue Swarbrick, who, along with get Blinds has a whole lot to offer.
her husband Gord, own and operate Bud- “We pride ourselves first of all on more
get Blinds in Brandon. “When we’re asked product offerings than anyone else has,”
about the word ‘budget,’ we usually say that Sue said. “We have 27 vendors that we can
we like to provide a product for everyone’s bring product in from. So with all the win-
budget. So it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s dow covering companies out there, what
the least expensive – it means that we’ll sets Budget Blinds apart? “The number
work to find something for your particular one thing, I believe, is our vendor alliance
budget or your particular project. So yeah – that’s something that we’re very proud
– the name throws people. But we certain- of, that we have access to so many prod-
ly still want to put a good custom product uct lines,” Sue said. “We’re not a one-trick
into your window. We are a custom house. pony. Number two would probably be our
No cut-downs, no pre-measures, no noth- service. I believe that we provide probably
ing like that.” the best service in the industry. So that
Sue worked for Budget Blinds in Regi- means it’s kind of a no-hassle service guar-
na and became really enamoured with the antee. And we also go where others won’t
business, as did Gord. go – for one window or two windows, we
“It met both of our skill sets,” she said. go and help out.
“So seven years ago we took a look at where “We provide exceptional service, and we
we’d like to own, and we came to Brandon follow up with warranties with the vendors
and fell in love. I think at the time, there and follow things through on the custom-
was an article out about this being the sev- er’s behalf. Our warranties also set us apart.
enth best place in Canada to live. So we We have the manufacturer’s warranty on
came over and had a look and really fell in our products, but we also provide custom-
love with it and decided this would be a ers with a five-year, no-questions-asked
great place to do business. We like the size (warrantee) as well. Which literally means
of it. you have a one-time replacement on every
When they started the business in window in the first five years, no questions
Brandon, Sue looked after sales, design, asked. It’s very cool.”
aesthetics, and décor, while Gord did the Additionally, Budget Blinds carries
installations. But what began as just a hus- what Sue termed “unique products,” which Back Row: Gord Swarbrick, Shane Swarbrick, Laurie Smitzniuk. Front Row: Barb Engel, Sue Swarbrick, Nadiia
band-and-wife team now employs an ad- includes tableau, a decorative grill resin Samotiy. (Submitted)
ditional full-time installer, one-and-a-half product out of Texas. They also deal in area
more consultants, and a full-time office rugs, music systems, as well as draperies. thing we’re both very jazzed about. So it’s I leave their home, and they say, ‘I am so
worker. Budget Blinds is a franchise com- And they’re also moving into smart home the product, it’s the business model, it’s the excited about this!’ That’s really what does
pany, and the Swarbricks own one of 1,100 automation, where blinds can be tied into a family of Budget Blinds – that 1,100 of us, it for me – finding that product where they
franchises across the continent. Accord- home’s security and lighting systems. we actually all get to know each other. We say, ‘Ah – there it is! That’s the one!’
ing to Sue, Budget Blinds is the “number “Automation is really taking off in the attend conventions with each other regu- The Swarbricks enjoy the challenges
one retailer of window coverings in North marketplace, and we’re doing more and larly, so there’s a sense of belonging within they encounter each and every day and
America.” The Brandon shop provides more of it all the time,” Sue said. us as well. And support for each other. And are grateful to be able to provide products
both residential and commercial service, The mainstays of the business are still then the other thing that gets me really ex- that are useful and helpful to people. And
and operates from the U.S. border to the honeycomb shades, roller shades and a cited is finding people that love it as much speaking of people, that’s the entire reason
Saskatchewan border, as far north as Swan product referred to as a horizontal shading as we do that work with us.” they take so much delight in their business.
River, and as far east as Headingley. system. More than anything, the Swarbricks “We really, really care about what we do,
“So we’re busy,” Sue said. “That’s why “As well, an everyday classic – people and their staff absolutely love working with and that’s important,” Sue said. “And what
we need the big team – we have four vans love top-down, bottom-up honeycombs, their customers. Sue’s passion for her craft makes our company so great is our custom-
in our fleet now and we put on a lot of and they’re energy efficient,” Sue said. is evidenced by the smile on her face and ers. We’re so grateful for our customers,
miles.” “And we provide a lot of finishing touches.” the sparkle in her eyes as she talks about and we’ve developed such wonderful re-
Customers can either come in to the The Swarbricks are ultra-enthusiastic what she does – and who she does it for. “If lationships with them as we get to know
showroom or phone and book an appoint- about their business, and there are many you think I’m passionate here, you should the people of Westman and discover how
ment for an in-home consultation. “We reasons why. “Gord and I believed that if see me in the homes,” she said with a laugh. much we appreciate them. It’s our custom-
call our vans rolling showrooms,” Sue said. we worked as hard for ourselves as we had “I love being in people’s homes and find- ers that make us great.”
“The products that are here are also in our for someone else, we would eventually suc- ing the right product for them. They’re so
vans and we take that to the customers’ ceed,” Sue said. “And we’ve found some- thrilled. It’s so cool to see, especially when » The Brandon Sun